Jun-Ho Catch-up

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Who said I love you first - He did :]

When you pin them against the wall - His eyes are wide as fuck- he kind of just stared at you surprised for a second while your so fucking close to laughing and then just gently pushed you away. If you compared a picture of a tomato and Jun-Ho together and asked which was more red you would have answered Jun-Ho lmao.

A favorite song for the both of you - Corduroy Dreams - Rex Orange Country

If you yell at them all of a sudden - He looks at you, a genuine glint of pain in his eyes. He kind of just looks down to his feet before he could muster up his voice. "What's wrong love?" (You better apologize now you motherfuck-)

If you come out to them - "Wait seriously?" When you nod a little bit still scared he wouldn't except you, you suddenly felt him wrap his arms around you. "Thank you for telling me. I'm so so proud of you." You felt him lift you off the ground a little while you laughed in exhilaration. He was proud of you and you knew it.

If you hug them all of a sudden - He fucking panics for a second 'cause he thought it was a intruder but calmed down when he realized it was you. "You nearly scared me to death." He murmured as he hugged you back.

PDA on a scale of 1/10 - 6/10 he would usually kiss you on the cheek at most. But I mean if he's in the mood he might do teasing in a... sexual manner-

How worried are they of you - 6/10 pretty worried. I mean he works as a police officer. Some person might try to kidnap you or something in spite of him. I mean c'mon he had snuck into a slaughter house to find his brother only to find out his brother is the one who is leading the games. That always left him a bit jumpy.

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