Lover Boy - Sang-Woo

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I sat still on the kitchen table my head rested atop my arms. I looked at the clock 11:38 it read. Nearly midnight. I jumped in surprise as I heard the door open. Wait the door- THE DOOR FUCKING OPENED! You jumped up from your chair not caring to push it in and ran to the entrance of the home. Without staring at the who the person was (which you already knew who it was) you wrapped your arms around them. You heard a chuckle above you and looked up at the familiar face with a grin as if you were a little kid taken to a huge candy store. When you looked up you saw the oh so familiar face, his glasses ever so slightly crooked and a tired smile. "Long day?" You asked, voice muffled as your head was buried in his chest arms still tightly wrapped around him. "Yes Y/N a very... long day" you heard him take a small yawn when he paused and your wife eyes looked up to him in concern. "Well come on you should get to bed!" You said suddenly letting go of his waist and instead grabbing his hand. "I'm afraid not darling. There's still some little work left to do. I'll be in bed in a few. Go to bed now love. I'll be there soon." You pouted at his response and he laughed quietly. "Oh come on! You work overtime and stay til' midnight yet you still want to do work? Give yourself a break? Please?" You pleaded eyes widening as if you were a young child doing the "puppy eyes" trick on their parents. He smiled sadly at you. "I'll be back to you before you know it lovely only 30 minutes at most" he kissed your forehead then walked off to his study.

So there you were in the bedroom 'waiting ' for him to get back. Waiting as in looking around to find a spare, soft blanket to droop over Sang-Woo's shoulders and then the rest isn't planned yet.

As you slowly peeked into his study you saw him tapping his pen against the desk clearly deep in thought. You slowly tip-toed closer to him blanket still held in hands. As you neared him you gently laid the blanket on his shoulders. He jumped slightly but softened up realizing it was only you. He furrowed his eyebrows at you and you smiled gently at his confusion. When his eyes widened in realization he made a retort. "Love I'll get to bed in a few minutes ok? I just need to finish these papers" well you weren't having that shit so you try to soften him up. You start to rub his shoulders and he closed his eyes for a moment his mouth curled into a frown. He then turned to look at you with a stare that practically stated 'don't you fucking dare do this' you just grinned at him. He closed his eyes again as he slowly started to stray away from his work. You gently tugged his arm and he hesitated although stood up as if he was forced to. He had looked like a young boy who was forced to eat broccoli for supper. And it simply looked adorable.

"Your lucky I love you." You heard Sang-Woo grumble sleepily as he lay in bed with you arm wrapped around your waist "You can say that again lover boy."

Request by kurdtwithbluehair
Hope you like it! :))

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