Pt. 1Introducing them to a song artist (Wilbur Soot)

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Gi-Hun - He likes Wilbur's music don't get me wrong but it can get a bit to sad for him to handle. But he fucking vibes to the songs like Your New Boyfriend or I'm In Love With An E-Girl.

Sang-Woo - He fucking loves the album "Maybe I Was Boring" and the song "Since I Saw Vienna" he doesn't sing along to it but he would him and occasionally bop his head :)

Ali - He just looked at you with wide sad eyes and asked if he was alright. Maybe it wasn't the best decision to let him listen to "Your Sister Was Right" first.

Salesman - He likes to listen to "It's All Futile! It's All Pointless!" Occasionally. He doesn't really listen to Wilbur much but if he had a Spotify playlist then he would have at least three or four songs in it.

Jun-Ho - Cried a little to "Jubilee Line" he even googled Wilbur to be sure he wasn't dead. He likes his music but his emotions go brrrr at it.

Sae-Byeok - "I like it I guess." like the salesman she doesn't really listen to him. But she would have a song or two in her playlist.

Ji-Yeong - She would yell out "Oh hell yeah!" Whenever "White Whine In A Wetherspoon" plays. Both me and Ji-Yeong.think that it's like a really underrated song. She really likes the rythym of the guitar :D.

Phantom/Me : *loud screeches of your new boyfriend in the distance*

Which artist do you want them to be introduced to next? :D

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