Where they like to study (Hogwarts AU)

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Gi-Hun - The common room. More people are there and he can talk to them without being overcome with boredom.

Sang-Woo - The Library. If not his dorm. Or well anywhere that's quiet and he can be left alone. My man's is as much of a bookworm as Hermione ;-;.

Ali Abdul - In the Library or with Sang-Woo in the Ravenclaw common room. He would try to find answers out of library books or at least get a hint. He doesn't ask Sang-Woo for answers but Sang-Woo is more than happy to check his answers over for him.

Salesman - He doesn't study unless it's for a big test. Somehow though he still gets somewhat high markings.

Jun-Ho - Mostly in his dorm, blanket wrapped around him while he taps his pen against the clipboard trying to find out what the actual fuck a bezoar is for potions class.

Sae-Byeok - With Ji-Yeong. They help each other with homework Sae-Byeok being specifically good with Potions, Defense Against The Dark Arts and Transfiguration while Ji-Yeong was good at Herbology, Defense against the dark arts and History of Magic.

Ji-Yeong  - With Sae-Byeok
Explained on Sae-Byeoks  entry :]

Phantom/me : In a quiet room. They.might hang out with Ali and Sang-Woo while studying because most of the time their quiet while studying but fun to be with.

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