p r o l o g u e

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A loud beep rang throughout the air. The first game had ended, you somehow managed to make it past the red finish line separating life and death by mere seconds. Throwing yourself with your remaining strength over the finish line turned to be a success. Laying on the ground trying to catch your breath, gunshots echo through the air as the remaining players are terminated. You are finally able to cover your ears from the loud blasting after having to withstand it the entirety of the game. After the thunderous shots end you slowly uncover your ears, cautious of any other sounds that may leak out of nowhere. A large winding sound begins to rotate from above you, slowly but steadily sealing off the blue sky above you. You look up in astonishment, as an enormous contraption begins to block off the sky above you.

'what the hell did I get myself into?'

A Few Days Earlier

"You have got to be kidding me." Your tone was stern and disgruntled. Which could not only be told from your attitude but your countenance as well. Placing your index finger and thumb to your temples while holding the phone with your right hand to your ear, you give out a hefty sigh.

"This is like, some sort of practical joke right? Cause you can't be fucking serious right now."

The line on the other side of the phone takes a breathe and begins to babble. "I'm not sure what you want me to do about it, it's your fault for wanting to come to Korea in the first place." He spoke with disdain.

"Nobody forced you to come here (y/n), you came here in your free time love."

You scoff at his blatant impoliteness towards you. He had never shown this side of himself to you until you arrived in Korea to finally meet each other. At first, he seemed nice, but now that he can't hide behind a screen you started to realize that you wasted 2 years of your life on a relationship with a fuck boy. And you would be crying right now if it weren't for your current financial situation and being stuck in a foreign country.

"I came here because we both unanimously agreed to meet each other you piece of absolute garbage!" Your anger level, if not already at its pinnacle, starts to rise higher, as does your blood pressure.

"I saved up half of the money to buy a flight to you and you said you would pay for the other half of my flight here and my ticket back, I need that money now!"

As if having no cares in the world Dae-Jung responds, "yeah there's no way I'm transferring you that much money, just use what's left on your visa."

At this point you are fuming, he had already demonstrated his asshole behavior to you but this is another level. "I can't, I don't have enough to pay for the full amount! I'd need over a thousand dollars! I only have enough to buy myself meals for the next week!"

"Do you have enough to buy a hotel room too?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, obviously this it's working out so I think it would be best for us to have some space."

You become stunned, 'is he saying what I think he's saying?'

"So you're telling me to find a hotel to stay at? When I don't even have enough money to buy a flight back home? How do you think I'll be able to buy a hotel room?"

Dae-Jung becomes more agitated with you, "Just figure it out yourself, I don't have time to babysit you (y/n)." And abruptly ends the call.

'That mother fucker'

•                                •                                 •

(A/N) hello! I just made some simple grammar changes to the story, hope you enjoyed it :D

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