The "Ace" up Your Sleeve

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You walk back into the main room from just
'using the restroom', no one seemed to pay you any attention. It appears you came back just when the last players arrived back from the game.

You zip up your jacket to your neck, he gave you some love marks on your neck and you didn't want anyone to notice just in case. If someone can get killed for losing a game, you can't imagine what would happen to you if the guards found out you were getting frisky with one of their own.

It was just enough to cover the marks which made you relived while you walked cautiously back to your bed, daydreaming of your next encounter with him. You blush thinking about what you did and what you will do later together, your mind runs wild with fantasies.

The lady on the loudspeaker began to talk interrupting your thoughts once again.

"I will now show the results of the game."

Everyone's attention turned to the screen above the stage, the amount of money raised and the number of players dropped.

"From the 188 players who played, 79 of them were killed."

The newly earned money dropped into the large mound of cash inside the giant piggy bank that was now half full.

"The prize money now accumulates to 34.8 billion won."

• • •

"Your lunch is now ready, please get in a single file in the middle of the room to collect your lunches."

Some time had passed since the first game and most people seemed exhausted, a good meal seemed like it would set everyone in a better mood.

You get in line and move up as each person in front of you collects their meal. You step up and grab your meal, it consists of one hard-boiled egg and some type of fizzy drink. You eat your egg and open your drink.

'Is this really all we get?'

You sigh as you take your last bite of the hard-boiled egg, you were used to not eating much some days but only being able to eat one egg seemed a little much.

You lean on a metal rod holding the bunk bed in place, sipping your drink and thinking about the square mask man. Your body begins to tingle, even the thought of him felt addicting.

As you sip your drink you hear a man yelling. You tune into the quarrel and hear him shout something, now turning your head to see what the problem is.

He swiftly steps towards the guards. "We need to eat too!"

The guard pulls out his handgun and points it at the man, he steps back.

"We prepared the exact number of meals for the players."

A woman spoke out.

"Excuse me, sir."

The attention was now on her.

"It was them, over there. They skipped me in line and got a second meal."

Attention shifted from her to a man, number 101. It was that thug-looking guy from earlier and what looked like his makeshift posse. Seems like they all got second lunches, not just him.

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