Wanna play?

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You soon wake up from the best sleep you had ever had in your entire existence, you felt completely refreshed and ready for the day. You reach into your pocket for your phone but you can't seem to find it.

You immediately realize this isn't your bed.

You sit straight up and find yourself on top of a tall bunk bed that is raised greatly above anyone below. Looking around at your surroundings there are bunk beds made of metal pushed against the back of the walls all around the room. In the front of the room is a large stage with a giant screen on the wall above it. There are hundreds of others in the room, as you watch them all walk around you remember what had happened to you.

'Is this the game?'

You ask yourself, though already knowing the answer. This was undeniably the game location. You examine yourself and see you are not wearing what you originally had on when entering the van. You are now in a comfy turquoise jumpsuit rather than your original shirt and jeans.

'How did I get into these clothes?'

It didn't exactly matter much to you at this point, what has already been done has been done. You were just paranoid over the fact someone dressed you without your permission or consent.

You felt a bit violated and rightfully so.

It also seems like everyone else had been changed into these jumpsuits from their initial outfit as well. You also notice that your hair is in a ponytail now, but you could have sworn it was down when you entered the van and throughout your entire day.

It was a minor detail in a big situation so you decide it was probably nothing and brushed it off.

You climb down the bunk bed to have a closer look at everything, you see everyone has a number put on their jumpsuits, you look down at your number.


You looked at the screen above the stage, it showed 457 players were in the game. You must have barely the cut for this thing.

Not even seconds after coming off the latter to the ground, a fight seemed to have been initiated between two people. A man who looked like a thug and the other, a very attractive woman.

Your heart skips a beat.

'What the hell, I thought I was straight?'

Pushing the feeling aside, you quickly changed the subject in your mind, because debating your sexuality with yourself presently, seemed to be of poor timing.

You see another man join into the quarrel but keep your eyes fixated on the woman.


The number suited her perfectly, in some way.

You are so enamored with 067 that you almost missed the giant sliding metal doors open from the back wall of the stage, letting about ten or so men in pink jumpsuits vacate the empty stage.

Now that you have counted there are nine men in pink jumpsuits, they all have black masks on as well however there is a slight difference. Eight of them have a mask with a large white circle on it, the other man has a giant square on his mask. Soon the man in the square mask proceeds to speak.

"I would like to welcome you all here today for participating in our games. You will all be partaking in six games over the course of six days. Those who happen to win this contest will receive a generous amount of reward money to spend however they please."

Suddenly someone speaks up, "How are we supposed to trust you huh? You drugged us here to play some game and brought us to this place without the knowledge of where we are!" then a few others began to side with him and revolt as well.

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