Game Two, Round One

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Unlike the first time, you know exactly what decision you have made for yourself. You wake up on the same bunk bed as before, all the way at the top, hovering above everyone else.

You are greeted with the same scenery you left before in this hell hole. It was your choice to return, however, not much on your terms.

You climb down and wait for instructions on the next game, mentally preparing yourself for what is to come.

•                         •                          •

Some time passes and the guards hand out Bentos for everyone to eat, it consists of an over-easy egg on top of rice, with sides of Kong ja-ban, myeolchi bokkeum, and kimchi. It tasted delicious, though a bit cold, still gave you a full stomach. Almost making you forget where you are.

No game had been announced so it was safe to assume the next game would begin tomorrow.

Nobody bothered to interact with you but you didn't mind, it seemed best to not get too attached to anyone here, they could die in an instant.

As time passed by it eventually became night, the lights turned off and everyone began to go to bed. You lay on your back and start to doze off, ignoring one of the women who is yelling to go to the bathroom.

• • •

You wake up and they are already serving breakfast for everyone, it was some sort of sweet bun, It tasted good to you so you had no complaints; to go with it, they gave everyone milk to wash it down.

You look around the room, with no sign of any square masks. You felt a bit disappointed, but quickly shift your attention to the woman talking on the loudspeakers.

"Attention. The second game will begin soon. Please follow the instructions provided by the staff and quickly make your way to the game hall. I will now proceed to repeat the instructions. Attention. The second game will begin soon. Please follow the "

You tune the instructions out and start to sit up from where you are sitting. Following the instructions and walking behind the guards to the game hall.

As you follow the guards through the corridor once again you can't help but glance around the halls and stairwells trying to see if you can differentiate the different masked guards from the one you met. But to no avail, even if you did spot him you doubt you could have told the difference anyway.

You end up in a large room, it had colorful oversized playground equipment around the space. A huge slide, a giant merry-go-round, huge monkey bars, even a giant swing. The walls were painted to look like kids' drawings. It was sloppy but cute, with scribbles off trees and bushes, cute clouds, and a blue sky for the background.

'I hope they aren't going to make us play tag, I'm still way too tired to run.'

"Before the game starts, please stand in front of one of the four doors." The lady on the loudspeaker announced.

On the far side of the room, there were four symbols on four doors. A circle, a triangle, a star, and an umbrella. You were not indicated on what they meant, but you decided to go with the triangle for no particular reason.

You stand in the line for the triangle door and wait until every person had picked a line. Then the announcer came on the speakers again.

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