Rope and Rope

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Waking up you feel refreshed, contrary to everyone else in the room. Most of them were up during the night to make sure they were safe from any remaining danger lurking among them.

You were a bit on edge as well but not as much as the others, your worries faded as you slowly fell asleep, knowing Ace would help if anything bad happened to you. Feeling you could depend on him.

You stretch your arms out in the air and began to climb down the ladder to the bottom of the bunk bed, still a bit drowsy from the fun last night.

As you climb down, almost near the bottom of the ladder, you accidentally misplace your footing on one of the steps and slip off the latter.


You yelp, your arms clenching the bars of the ladder, using what little strength you had to keep you from falling. It wasn't high enough to die, but high enough to hurt like a bitch.

Just as you are preparing for the worst, and pair of arms grab your thighs, lifting your legs.

"Woah, are you okay?"

You turn your head around and see a handsome man holding you in place.

You blush at the sudden help of someone "Oh yes! Thank you so much, I guess I missed a step." You blurt out, a bit embarrassed that he lifted you by your thighs.

He guides your legs to the steps of the ladder, allowing you to place your feet on the ladder again.

Still on the ladder, you look at where you stepped beforehand and see that two of the steps were completely missing, probably from the fights that occurred when you weren't there. You must have missed it when climbing up to sleep from being in la-la land after seeing Ace.

He lets go of your thighs and you climb down carefully, making sure there are no busted up steps for you to hurt yourself on. You steady yourself on the ground and look at his jacket, player 332.

"Say, you don't seem to be from around here. Do you live in Korea?" He asks, you see no reason to not talk so you decide it couldn't hurt to make small talk. He did help you avoid a nasty fall after all.

"Oh, no, I'm from the US. I came here to visit someone." There was no need to give him too much information, just enough to be polite.

"Oh really? I've never been to the US, what's it like?" He says, wanting to pursue a conversation with you.

"Attention all players, the next game will begin immediately. Please follow the instructions given to you and make your way towards the game hall."

The lady on the loudspeaker abruptly cuts you off from getting the chance to respond.

"Already? But we all just woke up?" He pouts, acting childish, but in a playful manner. You could tell he was trying to befriend you, you weren't against making allies, it just seemed sad. Becoming friends with someone who was probably going to die later on.

"Hey, let's walk together to the next game, yeah?" he smiles at you, but surely making one ally couldn't be that bad.

You nod in agreement.

"Sure, let's go." you smile back at him.

•                         •                          •

As you both walk to the game room and talk to each other in playful banter, he seemed like a pretty nice guy and was very charming. You decide to put some trust into him, but not all of it.

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