Rope and Rope (Pt.2)

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He went silent once again, you reach at his mask to lift it. He grabs your wrist firmly, restricting your arm from moving an inch.

"Don't," he asserts, firmly instructing you not to continue. You begin to get irritated,

"I just don't understand why you can't just show me your face!"

"Cause I said so!" his grip on your wrist tightens, hurting your wrist.

You wince in pain, "Ace, you're hurting me!"

He loosens his grip on you and takes his hands off you, stepping back from you, looking down shamefully.

"Please, I just don't want you to be disappointed with me when I take off my mask..."

You step towards him and put your hand on his mask, "I won't be disappointed, you have helped me so much and I cherish you dearly. I just want to get to know you, Ace."

He hesitates for a few seconds and walks over to the bed, sitting on it and adjusting himself to get comfortable. He gradually begins to unbuckle his mask from the back, slowly taking it off, then taking off a black under-mask. He was looking down at the ground so you couldn't see his face.

You walk to the bed, placing yourself in front of him. You place your hand on his shoulder,

"Don't worry, I'll choose you no matter what. Trust me, Ace." He gives a large sigh.

Timidly, Ace lifts his head to you. You examine his features, he was Korean after all. His features were sharp and defined, he was certainly good-looking, had someone told him otherwise?

You stare at him, studying his face in awe.

"I knew you would be disappointed, I'm not the best looking but I do care for you. Please don't go." his voice was desperate, reminding you of a pleading puppy. You give him a puzzled look,

"Why would I leave you?" you sit next to him on the bed, placing your hand on top of his.

"You're perfect." Ace blushes and intertwined your fingers with his.

"You know, I'm supposed to tell you that, right?"

You giggle, "doesn't matter, I'm just being honest." his warmth fills you with happiness, making you calm.

"I want to get to know you better Ace, can I ask you a few questions?" you ask, hoping he will say yes.

He sighs and squeezes your hand tighter,

"You get three questions, after that, you can ask another three questions the next day. So on so forth."

"Really?!" you say excitedly, trying to think of the questions you want to ask him.

"Of course, anything for you." he lifts your hand and kisses it.

Thinking of the questions you want to ask him, you settle on the ones you could come up with on the spot.

"Okay, my first question is why do you have an American name? Were you born in America?"

Ace pauses for a moment and responds, "I was born in America, my stepdad told my mom to name me Ace but a few years later they split up and my mom and I moved back to Korea when I was around 8 years old."

"Oh wow, I was wondering why you had an American name since you told me." you turn your head towards him, "I like your name though, it suits you."

"I don't really care for my name but when you say it," he looks at you, "it's not so bad..." he gives a gentle smile your way, making you smile back at him.

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