Game Four

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You make it back to the player room with a few minutes left to spare before "lights out". As you enter the room you notice that player 111 isn't there.

'Maybe he stays after lights out?'

It seemed dangerous to you, but maybe he had more than one person to look after him unlike you.

There were about 3 minutes before lights out so you start to head to your bunk bed.

"Hey, 455!" You hear a familiar voice call your number, you turn around and it's number 332.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" You respond, waving back at him.

"Well, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to sleep in our barricade." points at a barricade with multiple people in and out of it. "Those guys could attack at night again, you know?" his voice was sweet, he was nice to have your best interest in mind but you thought you could handle yourself.

"Oh you don't have to worry about me, I'm a pretty fast runner so I can take care of myself," you say cheekily, smiling at him.

"Are you sure?" he persists, "last time they attacked they went for the girls first, I don't want you to get hurt by one of those guys." his voice was full of concern.

Out of politeness, you agree to sleep in your group's barricade. He wasn't completely wrong, they could attack anyone at any minute. Plus, you are pretty sure your bunk bed was torn down to make up someone else's fort.

You enter the makeshift barricades made of bunk beds and see a few of the men from your group and some who were new faces in the barricade. You were the only girl with a group of about 7 men. You weren't sure if you should feel safe or scared.

Most of them were pretty buff and seemed nice so you felt pretty safe, however, you stayed close to 332 because you knew him the most. You made an effort so that no one would touch you, especially 332. Even though you thought jealous Ace was kind of cute, it would be immature to purposely make him jealous.

There were only seconds before lights out so you locate a spot to lay down at, remembering you left your blanket on your bunk bed that is now probably taken by another group.

"Shit," you whisper to yourself.

"Something wrong?" 332 asks.

"Oh, nothing too big, I just forgot my blanket on my bunk bed. It's fine though, I'll sleep without it." you sigh, it gets pretty cold in the room so you were not looking forward to sleeping without a blanket.

"Well...We can share a blanket if that's okay with you?" he lifts his blanket to show you there is room for two.

'Will Ace be okay with that? It does gets pretty cold at 'lights out' so it should be fine. Plus, it's a pretty big blanket, it should be fine.'

You think for a bit and respond,

"Sure, I don't exactly feel like freezing to death tonight." he chuckles and the lights turn off, the only light that was left was the lighting that illuminated the floating piggy bank in the air.

It was still dark from the barricade shielding all of you from the dim light, though it was possible to see if you tried hard enough.

332 scoots over to you and covers you both with the blanket, you use your jacket as a makeshift pillow and turn your back to him, Even when you tried to fall asleep it was still too cold to fall asleep comfortably. You were at the edge of the blanket so you wouldn't touch 332.

"Hey," he says in a whisper, low enough for only you to hear. "Are you comfortable sleeping like that?" you turn your body towards him and whisper back.

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