Chapter 1 Aviva Howard

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"Come on, Aviva! We're never going to make it if you don't hurry!" My mom calls down the hallway.

I grab my bags and walk out to the door. "Can't I drive alone? I'll be following you the whole way!"

My mom groans. "Aviva, you should be glad that you even get to drive your car down there!"

I wrinkle my nose. "Fine. But if she starts complaining, I'm ditching her!"

My little sister sticks her tongue out at me as she carries her bags out to my Jeep. "Yeah right, you jerk!"

I scoff at the ten year-old's comeback. "Hey, be glad I'm not just leaving you here! I could just ditch you at the gas station-"

"Aviva! Lets go!"

My mother's outside now, and I exit as well. Before I shut the door, I take in the empty living room, then lock it all up. I walk over and fling my bag into my packed backseat. Starting up the engine, I take one last glance through the rear view mirror at my house of 16 years.

"Let's enjoy this, a'ight Lissa?"

The ten year-old nods. "Let's."

And the drive begins.

I guess I should explain. It's June, and it's been almost two years since the wedding, and the last time I've seen Lynny. Since then, I lost contact with the guys just as I suspected I would. I mean, yeah, their little video stunt promoting my YouTube channel was awesome, but none of them ever texted or called like they promised.

Back to the point. Anyways, my mom got a job offer in California, right in LA. So we packed up our house, and now we're trekking over a thousand miles from Tulsa to LA. At first, mom was worried that Lissa and I would have a hard time adjusting to school, but Lissa's a social butterfly and I'm almost done with school. I'm going to finish my last few courses online, and then I'll be done.

So yeah, we're moving.

Lynny and I haven't spoke since our fight after the wedding thing... I feel like its kind of a petty thing to stop speaking over, but our schedules probably never would've meshed anyways. I was too busy trying to graduate early, and she's been in Europe for about twenty-two months now. Even though she said only sixteen. I guess the fight really bothered both of us. We used to be so close. I miss that...

It was so stupid. We just had one big fight, and now we don't even speak.

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