Chapter 2 LynnRah

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Do I really have to go home?

The answer is yes, yes I do. It's almost been 2 years since I've seen anyone from there. I sigh, thinking about how I had lost all contact with everyone I knew. I had been here for 4 months when my phone got broke; I dropped it off a cliff. So instead of getting a new one I just started writing letters or post cards.

I spent all my time living on the road, I was part of a band for a while. We made a little money, and that little got us all over, but then they tried to get to know me. They'd ask questions about why I came, about my past, and so I left them and found new freedom. I talked to them sometimes, but for the most part, I've been alone with a few friends that came and went; people that I never let in.

I so badly missed Viv, but what could I say? What could fix it? Until this summer I didn't know, but I have a plan now.

I find a pay phone and dial my dad's number. I have actually talked to him on the phone in a year, so when I hear him say
"Hello?" I almost drop the phone.

"Hi Daddy," I say, and I realize how small my voice is.

"Lynny?" He asks.

"It's me dad, I'm coming back." I say as I look at my plane ticket.

"Wait, where are you going?" He asks.

"I need you to come and pick me up at the airport tomorrow at 11 am, can you do that for me?" I ask.

"Yes of course I can, do you want me to bring your sister too?" He asks, excited.

"No, I would rather just spend the day with you." I say, trying to think of ways to get off the phone.

"Okay then I'll be there to get you!" he says and starts on something else, but I cut him off.

"I gotta go, we are about to board, bye love you." I say and hang up.

When I get off the plane, I think about dodging my dad, but I don't. I go to where we planned to meet.

When I see him I stand up and walk over to him, when he takes in my changed look, he smiles and pulls me into a big hug.

"I missed you honey." he says, and I feel bad, considering I had stopped missing everyone but Viv.

"Yeah it's nice to see you again." I say and pull away, smiling at him. We talk some, but for the most part we stay silent as we go back to his house.

I go to my old room, but I don't unpack all the way. I simply change some of my clothes around and wash some, and I think through my plan.

I have the first part done. My plan is this, get back to the US then get in contact with Viv and go spend the summer with her. I have to fix this, and I know that if I don't do it this year I won't ever do it.

"Dad?" I say as I walk into the kitchen. I feel bad telling him this when I've only been home for 3 days.

"What's up?" he asks, still looking in the fridge.

"I'm leaving in a couple days." I say, not caring to break it to him slowly.

"Why?! You just got home!" he says turning to look at me.
I can't explain how his face was. I could see the hurt and pain and some other things that I wasn't sure if I wanted to see.

"I'm just going to see Viv for a while, we haven't talk at all since the summer before I left." I say and he frowns more then.

"I guess we talked a little more than that, but still we stopped calling last year." he tells me.

"Well, I haven't talk to to Annabelle since the month after I left, and I haven't talked to mom since Annabelle's wedding." I say and he looks at me in shock.

"Okay, well now I see that I was the only one here that you talked to at all!"

"Yes, yes you are, but I need to fix it with Viv!" I say and I fight tears.

"Yes, you do."

"Thank you daddy!" I say, and hug him tightly.

I call Viv the next morning with the new phone my dad made me get.

I hold my breath as the phone rings.

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