Chapter 20 Lynny

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"What do you want to watch?" Cam asks.

"Something super cute and happy... Oh, we can watch a cartoon!" I say with to much enthusiasm.

"Are you kidding? Cartoon? You're more nerdy than I thought. What one do you want to watch, my princess Sha?" he says it with his back turned to me, and I bust up laughing as I jup off the bed to tackle him.

"I prefer to be called the queeennnnn." I say sarcastically and keep laughing.

"Yes, because evil little children are always Queen." he says this, and I start laughing, and even fall on the floor, as I feel tears in my eyes from giggling so much.

"Okay, I'm thinking evil mother and sisters." he says shrugging, and puts in a movie.

"Perfect! Maybe it'll even give me tips on how to be so evil, that Miranda won't ever talk to me again!" I yell it as I jump up off the floor, and get a crazy smile.

"She's only just a small little fan." Cam imitates her voice.

"Join my evil army and help me destroy sweet darling Miranda, and you will be fully rewarded for the kindness, my dear knight." I say in the weirdest voice I can, as I outstretch my hand.


I shove a big spoon full of ice cream in my mouth as we watch Cinderella.

"This is the best part!" I say with my mouth full of ice cream. I hear him laugh at me.

"Is this movie helping you queen?" Cam asks sarcastically.

"Hmm... a little bit, but I'm not sure. I don't have the power over her." I say slowly and take a bite of pizza.

"High and mighty Queen, I thought you had all the power." he jokes.

"I wish."

"So uh.. how have you been?" He asks, looking at me.

"I've been busy, the band takes a lot of time, and I've just been." I shrug, and give him a fake smile. He gives me the same kind.

"I tried to text you a couple times but it never seemed to work."

"Oh, that's because I broke my phone right away. I dropped it off a cliff." I say and laugh at my stupidity.

"That-" what he's in the middle of saying is cut off by Taylor walking in.

"That's where you guys have been, I got the text but I didn't know where you were." Taylor says nonchalantly.

"Yeah, we were watching Cinderella," I say.

"Oh, well Nash and Miranda are here." Taylor says, wrinkling his nose.

"Well let's go my Queen." Cam says, standing.

"And we can see if my new power of evil will work, my kind knight." I say, and we both laugh.

"We were thinking about getting pizza." Taylor glances up at us from his phone.

"We already ate." I state.

"We already had pizza. I still can't believe you ate that last piece!" Cam adds.

"Well you ate the last spoon full of ice cream, and I'm positive it had the most chocolate in it!" I argue, giving him a fake dirty look.

"Yo, whats up?" I look up at who is talking to see Jack G.

"Oh! hey." I say, giving him a big smile.

"It's so good to see you Lynny." he walks over to give me a big hug.

"Yeah, you too doofus." I stand up as he hugs me.

"Starving!" Matt yells as he runs into the room.

"Ha! I'm not, me and Cam already ate." I smirk at him.

"You're such a bitch." someone says, but I'm not sure who it was. Plus, I don't really care.

"Did you guys go on a date?" Miranda asks, giving me a skeptical look.

"No, I just came over so I didn't have to go on Hayes and Viv's date with them." I shrug. I can't help but glance over at Nash, and I see how on edge he is, and he has a deep frown on his face.

"Just come and eat with us anyways, it'll be like old times." Matt insists, and I wink at him.

"Of course I will." I say, then I lock arms with Cam.

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