Chapter 17 Viv

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"My parents are getting a divorce." I lean against the wall and stare at the ground in my anger.

Lynny shrugs. "Oh, don't worry about it. It's not that big of a deal. Things'll work out."

I glare at her. "Really? You think it's not a big deal?" I scoff in derision.

Lynny rolls her eyes. "Not really. I went through the same thing, and I'm 100 percent glad."

I fold my arms. "You really have no idea, do you? You don't even know."

Lynny raises an eyebrow. "What's up with the sudden so stop being such a child people stop loving each other if the ever did love each other so Chill."

I take a step forward. "Is that what you always say? 'Chill'?" I jab my finger towards Lynny. "That's what you said when you didn't come and see me like we'd been planning for months! You just brushed it off, and said 'chill' when you knew I needed you!"

Lynny sits up. "You're still upset about that seriously your so young ?! I told you, I was freaking busy!"

I throw my hands up. "See? You were too busy for me!"
My voice rises as I get more worked up. "You were so freaking busy with your own stupid life that you couldn't see that your best friend was depressed!" I yell. "You didn't care that your best friend tried to commit suicide four times! It's your fault! No one knows, and it's all your freaking fault! You didn't even care to ask how I was doing!"

"You know it's not my fault, you're just to blind to see the real reason!" Lynny keeps going, but I cut her off.

"You know what? It's my turn not to care." I hiss.

Spinning on my heel, duffel bag in hand, I leave Lynny standing there. I just can't take it anymore, she has no ide-

I wake up with beads of sweat across my forehead. It's just a nightmare, that's all. Well, more like a memory...

Glancing over at Lynny's sleeping figure, I remember how difficult life was after she left. I felt like I had ruined the one good thing in my life. That's when I had started the cutting. It had just been so overwhelming, with the divorce, Lynny being gone, and having no support. I just couldn't bear all the emotional distress.


"You see, after the fight, my cousin and I went straight to the airport and flew home. From then on, I dealt with severe depression."

I was sitting in front of my phone's camera, pouring out my heart in a video. I just wanted to get it all out. This seemed like the perfect way.

I continue, staring at the floor. "I cut for about three months on and off. And that's three months longer than anyone should ever do that to themselves. I realize that now.
I stopped because I went to visit my grandparents in Colorado. When I was there, everyone seemed so happy. I wanted that. I wanted the happiness they held, for myself. It was then that it hit me; I could be happy. I could completely change the way I lived my life. And I did."

Finally I look up. "It wasn't easy; in fact, it was hell. But now, my life is back together. I found a guy, Lynny's back, and I now live in California. Everything that was once so familiar has changed. And trust me you guys, it's a good thing."

With that, I end my confessional. Maybe they'll understand.

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