Chapter 9 Viv

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"So you dyed your hair again." Hayes mused in a low voice, grabbing a strand of my hair from my ponytail.

I smile brightly at him, squinting at the sun. "Yeah." Then a thought hits me. I tilt my head to look at his face better. "Don't ya like it?"

Hayes grins, and leans closer to where we're almost touching. "Of course I do, Mermaid."

I shiver involuntarily at his proximity, and my eyelids flutter shut as his hand cups my cheek. I can almost feel his lips on mine, when some little douche bag (Taylor) decides to yell, "Hayes! Viv! Get over here!"

I sigh, and turn my face away. "We better go..."

Hayes groans, and I step away from him and walk towards the group.

"You should just go get a room." Lynny says and starts laughing.

I shrug and send a glance over my shoulder at Hayes. He's walking over here slowly, his hand at the back of his neck, and his other hand tucked in his board shorts pocket. My gaze slowly travels to his bare, tanned, defined abs.... Oh god, he's watching me! I hide my reddening face in my bangs as much as I can and pretend to be completely immersed in a conversation with Lynny.

"Ha he can so tell you're checking him out. Ohhhh Viv got found out!" Lynny teases.

"Shut up!" I hiss. "Talk about something other than that!"

"I can't, I have to go tease you! I said you were going to like him."

I fold my arms. "Fine. I'm going to get the surfboards from the Jeep, and I'm leaving you here to flirt with Cammie!" I stick my tongue out as I go find someone to help me.

"Or I could flirt with the other boys." she says, and starts looking them all over.

I hide my grin as I poke Matt. Before we all left the wedding scene, him and I became good friends. Maybe we'd still be friends?

"Matty-beeaaaarrrrr." I stretch out the 'bear', and he turns to face me. His face lights up and he pulls me into a bear hug.

"Viva Las Vegas! What's up?" I scrunch my nose at the nickname, but hug him back.

"You should help me get the surfboards." I smile pleadingly at him.

He punches my arm lightly. "Sure thing, best friend!"

I laugh and skip ahead of him towards the parking lot. "You'll have to fight Lynny for that one!" I yell back.

Matt stayed quiet until we got to the Jeep, then asked, "Do you have candy?"

I give him a dead-pan look as I unlock the doors. "Did you really just ask me that." I flip my hair. "As if I'd be caught without candy!"

Fishing around in the paper bag on my backseat, I grab a giant package of Sour Patch Kids and hand it to Matt. His eyes light up, and he snatches the bag and holds it to his heart.

"You're welcome." I raise an eyebrow as he hastily rips open the bag.

"Oh, yeah. Thanks!" I have to laugh at his high-pitched thank you.

"C'mon, let's get these boards outta here."

Matt nods and somehow attaches the bag onto the belt of his shorts. I stifle a giggle and hand him two boards. I grab the other two out, and shut my car up again.

"You better be being nice to my girl, do you have my board?" Lynny yells.

I look up to see Lynny standing there, holding another board, which I'm guessing is Cameron's.

"Yeah I got it." I motion towards the water, and send her an excited grin.

"This is gonna be great! Let's go surf!" Lynny yells.

"Yass this is gonna be legit!" Matt yells, running to the sand.

Laughing, Lynny and I follow him. I pretend not to notice Hayes watching us run past, so I drop Lynny's board and sprint to the water with my tan one.

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