Chapter 8 Lynny

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"Hayes?!" Viv asks a little too loudly, and I have to make myself not tackle her so they don't come back. But it's to late. He turns around; all of them do, actually.

"Viv?" He says it looking at her in pure shock. I see it in slow motion as they run to each other and he hugs her and nearly picks her up off the ground. I watch for a second, then I turn back to the group.

"Hi." I say, and I hear boys at the back of the group start laughing. Then someone is hugging me, then someone else, it's like they are hugging me as they push me to the back off the group. That is, until I fall on top of Cameron.

"Lynny!" He yells, and pulls me into a big tight hug. I naturally hug him back.

"The one and only." I reply dryly. He lets me go, but only to spin me around and lean over so he can lay his head on my shoulder.

"You're um, LynnRah, right?" I turn to see its the girl from the group. She's looking at me all fan girl-ish.

"Yeah that's me." I give her my best smile.

"I'm such a big fan of you and your band!" she exclaims.

Viv's giving me a dubious look. "I thought no one knew about your band, Lynny!"

"I never said no one knew about our band, I just didn't say that we have a lot of fans is all." I say it and laugh.

"I just really love your music." The girl starts again.

"Well I'm glad you like it." I smile brightly.

"When did you start music?" Cam whispers in my ear.

"When I went to Europe, silly." I say, not looking at him.

Then Nash finally speaks up, saying "Lynny, this is my friend." The girl turns to him and grabs his hand, adding with a smug smile,

"His girlfriend."

"Oh well it's nice to meet you Nash's new girlfriend, and all of you but, you know-" I'm still talking trying to get away when Viv cuts me off and says.

"You know what?" Viv sends me a dangerous look. "We should all go to the beach together! That way we can catch up!"

"Yess that sounds fun!" Cam says in a weird voice. I giggle cause of his breathe on my neck.

"You gotta not do that." I say, poking him.

"Wow Lynny, way to not even give me a hug!" Hayes says playfully. I grin and step away from Cam and hug him.


"Ugh, now I have to see Nash and his hoe again." I complain as we drive to Viv's house to change.

She pats my arm. "Suck it up buttercup."

"Wow, way to be supportive." I say and laugh.

"I know, that's why you love me." She says dramatically, flipping her hair.

"Yeah I love you so much." I say sarcastically.

Viv pouts. "Not as much as you seem to love your mass of fans!"

"Well maybe my band wasn't as small as I acted like it was, I mean we had over a million fans." I admit.

She cocks an eyebrow at me.

"Okay, more like two million." I say and laugh.

Viv flips her hand up at me. "Whatevs."

I poke her side, and she cracks a smile.


"There they are." I say and point down the beach at the big group of guys.

Viv follows my finger, and sighs. "They've all changed so much..."

"Hayes has turned into some nice eye candy!" I murmur to Viv as I see him. He looks a lot like Nash, yet different.

Viv shrugs indifferently. "Hmm. I guess, yeah."

"Oh you're so smitten, I can tell." I say and poke her.

"I don't even know him anymore!" She argues, but I can tell she doesn't mean what she's saying.

"Hey!" I yell as we get close to them.

"Oh there you guys are!" Hayes comes over to us, Cam and Matthew following.

"What took you so long?" one of the other guys says.

"We were partying." I shrug, and Cameron and Matt bust up laughing.

"You party?" Cam just about can't speak cause he is laughing so hard.

"Only when it is a good day. I figured that seeing Nash's new hoe girlfriend sucks, so let's party!" Cameron looks at me and starts laughing uncontrollably.

"Man, you're hateful!" he forced out of his mouth.

"Sure, that's it! More like she is a fan girl of mine, and that's weird." I say and start laughing.

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