Chapter 5

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Ava's POV
I slept on the decision whether or not I wanted to see my father, David Graham. The name burns on my tongue. What kind of father doesn't reach out when his ex-wife is struggling with drugs and alcohol and they have an eight year old daughter that needs a loving and safe home? David, that's who.

I walk downstairs early Monday morning and walk into Harriet's office without knocking.
"What's up Ava?"
"I've made my decision."
She puts her glasses on then as the conversation turns serious.
"Go on."
"I'd like to see him."

"Well okay then, I will arrange that for you and speak to you when I have more details. Are you sure?"
"I'm 100% ready to confront him. I think this is what I need as a distraction from Natalie."

"I agree, it is a good way to get your mind off of things and just know that the Smith's door is always open for you to visit. You and Natalie might not be blood sisters but she will always be your best friend."

I wipe away a stray tear as I know she's right.

"Yeah we'll see about that." I was still going to be stingy about the whole thing, the whole thing being so fresh.

I walk out of her office and go to find Lily who's in the kitchen with flour and sugar all over the counters.

"LILY!" I shout!
I grab her off the stool she's standing on and put her down on her feet.

"Did anyone tell you, you could be baking in here all on your own?" I bend down on her level and chuckle as I wipe off flour off her cheeks.

"I asked Harriet if we could make cookies but she said not right now and I didn't want to wait." She shrugs her shoulders like it's no big deal.

"You have to get ready for school soon missy, how about after school you and I can make some?"

"Yes sissy! I love you!" She hugs me as she's coated in flour.

You're probably wondering why I don't go to school and I do, but I only go three times a week per my therapist requests. I do the other two days from home because of my "childhood trauma".  It's a weird arrangement for sure and I really didn't have a say in it. Next year is senior year though and they said I can go everyday if I'd like because it's my last year and I can't wait to finally have a normal school experience like everyone else. Natalie goes to school four days a week and does one day of homeschool. Her therapist claims she needs the social experience rather than I who needs some time alone apparently.

"Okay how about we go clean you up and pick out a pretty dress!" I suggest and take her hand into mine, leading her to the upstairs bathroom.



After my homeschool lesson, Harriet knocks on my door.

"Ava, your father will be here to pick you up in a half hour. Please get ready."

"A half hour?!! I thought maybe in like a day or two, not that short of notice!" I scramble off my bed then and shove her out the door so I can get ready. I don't want to dress like a complete hoe but I don't want him to think I'm a teenage bum either. I settle for a floral romper and gladiator sandals since it's still only September and the Ohio air is still warm.

I apply a natural makeup look and brush my hair, my natural curls flowing. I apply a clear layer of lipgloss and sigh, this will have to do. I come down the stairs then, my body noticeably nervous and shaky.

"Got a hot date Ava?" Garrett says as he swings the front door open with his backpack in hand.

"Oh yeah sure... with my dad." I mumble in hopes he didn't hear.

"I'm sorry what? Your father who left you and didn't even know you were in foster care all of a sudden wants to reach out to you?"

"Don't be an ass Garrett." Hailey grumbles behind him. Is Hailey sticking up for me? Damn.

"Shut up Hailey, I just don't want Ava to get hurt." He shakes his head and heads upstairs to his room.

"Thanks Hal, I'll be fine." I give a soft smile and go and wait in Harriet's office by the front entry.

"Alright, he should be arriving any minute now. Just relax, you don't have to go if you don't feel comfortable. You and Natalie should consider yourselves very lucky. The others in this house have no idea if their parents are going to ever want to see them again." Harriet explains. I mean, she's not wrong. But both of Lily's parents are both dead, the poor honey. Luckily for her, Harriet and Hudson are going to go through with the adoption because Lily finally calmed down after her little escape artist moment.

"He's here." Harriet watches on her computer monitor, the outside camera as he pulls up to the house in a black BMW.

"You've got to be freaking kidding me! He's been out of my life for eight years and he's over here being all rich rich!" My blood boils in my veins then. I was angry before but now I'm livid.

He walks up the driveway then and rings the doorbell. My heart felt like it could bounce out of my chest. I knew my foster siblings were upstairs eavesdropping, I could hear Emelyne hushing Hailey.

"Ready?" Harriet looks at me with serious eyes.

"Oh I'm so ready."

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