Chapter 7

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Waking up this morning felt like I had woken up from a nightmare from yesterday but then I remember that was all real and actually happened. My own biological parents tried kidnapping me, that's so fucked up. And then there's the whole Natalie situation which has caused my blood pressure to increase I'm sure. I'm literally going to out grow the foster care system alone and not with Nat by my side like I once had thought. Where am I going to live? I am most definitely not becoming buddy buddy with Hailey and getting an apartment with her if that's what Natalie thinks I'm going to do. Hailey might be my foster sister, but she is nothing compared to Natalie. Natalie is my blood sister even though she's not true blood. She's my lifeline, my other half, she cries, I cry. We've had each other's backs since day one and now she's turning on me.

"Rise and shine, you got school today!" Hailey swings my door open bright and early, the sun beaming in from the hallway.

"Privacy please?" I want to chuck a pillow at her but I don't want to get on her bad side this early.

"You driving?" I ask as I head out of my room and wait in the line to use the bathroom, yes I said line, Garrett is either taking a massive shit or he's dousing himself in cologne to impress who knows who at school.

"Let's go Garrett, no one gives a crap how you smell at school!" Emelyne bangs hard on the bathroom door then.

"People, I'm trying to get my beauty sleep before I have to go to school." Lily comes out of her room then in her princess nightgown.

We all chuckle and she goes back into her room, slamming her door shut.

"But to answer your question Ava, no I am not. Maxwell is picking me up actually, Garrett is taking you." 

"Aw man, I gotta take her again?" Garrett whines as he comes out of the bathroom, everyone choking on the heavy scent of cologne he doused himself in.

"Garrett, buddy, deodorant is all you need." I cough.

"Who says I'm wearing deodorant?" He laughs and I gag.

"Yeah I bet that will really get the ladies." Hailey laughs.

"Hurry up Ava though, I want to stop at Starbucks on the way." 

"Oh yeah sure let me just push Emelyne out of the bathroom." I roll my eyes.

But she is taking an awfully long time so I do what I'm not suppose to do and I quietly peep into Harriet and Hudson's room and sneak my way into their master bath. We are only suppose to use their bathroom if it's an emergency and this is sort of one, I need to pee and get dressed, brush my teeth and do my hair before Garrett leaves for school without me!

I did it quietly enough that I even sneak back out of their room and they were still sleeping. They don't need to be up for another hour to get Lily ready for school.

"Ava, you know the rules." I hear Harriet mumble as I quietly close their bedroom door.

Shit, she caught me.


"So Natalie has been pretty quiet about things, huh?" Garrett asks me as we walk into school.

"Yeah, I know she's in a tough spot right now but it still hurts, you know?"

"No, I really don't know. I mean I don't have the inseparable bond with someone like you two do." Oh shit, is Garrett getting soft with me? Fuck, now I feel kind of bad.

"Oh Garrett I'm s-." 

"Save it, I gotta get to class." 

Wow, I've never seen Garrett's soft side like this before. Like yeah, he's a protective brother but nothing like this has ever made him upset before. I guess I never put it into perspective about my foster siblings feeling the same way as me but also differently. Garrett is going to age out of the system too. Fuck.

"Sucks to have your so called sister ditching ya to live with some rich freaks, huh?" Matthew Peterson plopped his bag down at the desk next to mine in English.

"Excuse me?" Who does this fucker think he is to say that to me, especially as an opening sentence to someone. Not a, hello Ava, how are you this morning? 

"Yeah, Natalie has been telling everyone that she's so excited to finally leave the system and her new parents are wealthy as hell." He sits back in his chair and puts his feet up onto his desk then. Wait what? Is this true? Has Natalie been bragging to her peers about this?

He notices that my complexion turns to pale and I'm silent.

"Oh shit sorry, you didn't know? That sucks." 

"Matthew get your feet off your desk please." Mrs. Morrison says as she walks into the room then with books at her side.

"No, I didn't know." I whisper as class begins.

"You want to tell me what everyone at school is saying? Because it really sucks to hear from some asshole classmate whom I don't even like." I toss my bag on the coffee table that sits across from the couch that Natalie is sitting on, doing some homework.

"What are you talking about?" She sets her journal down then and stops writing.

"Oh like you don't know but Matthew Peterson does?"

"What does Matthew have to do with anything?" Is she playing dumb, is she being serious right now?

"Matthew told me Natalie! He told me that you've been bragging to everyone at school about this damn rich family that wants to adopt you!" My voice raises and I know that my foster siblings are listening, they always do.

She's silent, taken aback. Because it's true, it's written all over her face.

"I mean I don't know about you, but being in this system fucking sucks." She finally speaks and it's not what I was expecting.

"That's why we've stuck together all these years!" I yell.

"Finally a family wants to love me." She adds.

"We love you!" I argue.

"We can be a big happy family, right here. You know Harriet wouldn't turn us away, you have to know that!" 

"Want to know what fucking sucks?" Hailey appears out of nowhere.

"Being pregnant at seventeen." 

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