Chapter 15

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Wait... is that.. Natalie? Of all people in the world, Natalie is the one that almost runs me over?! She puts the van in park and swings open the driver's side door, quickly running out and hugging me without one thought. At first I was shocked, I'm still shocked but then I smell her floral perfume and instantly my arms wrap around her and the tears are flowing, from both of us.

My mother stands on her porch watching us with her hands on her hips, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I'm so sorry." We both cry in unison at the same time.

We pull apart from our hug and she stands apart to look me over.

"You look horrible, let's get you home." She motions for me to get in on the passenger side of the ugly white van, it's Debbie's, I've seen it around town.

"Why did you go to your mother's of all places, Ava?" She doesn't even let me put my seat belt on before she blurts it out.

"I felt so incredibly hopeless Natalie. I have truly hit rock bottom and honestly you're the last person I ever expected to see right now."

"I know that.. but when I found out that you were missing, my heart... I couldn't fathom it, Ava." She looks at me as we finally pull away from my mother's house, she remained on the porch with a fresh bottle of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"Well it feels good to know that you still care about me, still." I look down at my feet ashamed, of course Nat still cares about me, I've been too self absorbed to realize it.

"Ava... I will always love you and cherish the memories I have with you. Even the kids are losing their minds about you, you truly don't realize the impact you have on others." The tears are welling up again between the both of us and I feel so stupid for running away now, so childish.

"My mom Nat... she's...." I can't even get my words out with how overwhelmed I am. I really thought my mom had changed but she was sucked back into her old ways.

"It's okay, we will get her help. I know you want that for her." She assures me and before we know it, we're back at Harriet and Hudson's. Everyone is gathered on the porch, including some of the neighbors.

Oh boy. I look to Nat and she nods, giving me the courage to open my door and slowly approach everyone.

"Oh my god, don't you ever pull a stunt like this again!" Harriet is the first to greet me in a big hug but she's mad, like really really mad.

Over her shoulder I can see the others instantly relax. Lily comes running out of the house then, "Ava, Ava, Ava!" She runs into my arms and I pick her up, twirling her in a circle.

"Oh Lils." I cry, holding her tight.

"Don't you ever leave me again!" She shouts in her little kid voice.

"I won't, I promise." I say before setting her back down on the ground.

"All right everyone, let's go inside. Hudson you can notify the police man you spoke to earlier that she's alright." Harriet leads everyone back into the house and it feels weird to have Natalie next to me.

I quietly sneak away to my room while everyone chatters among themselves but someone follows me shortly after and it's not who I was expecting, Garrett.

"Oh Gar, you could've said you were behind me shit." I put my hand over my heart as he scared me half to death.

"Yeah well you scared this entire family into thinking something horrible had happened to you so I think you'll be okay." His tone is angry but holds a protectiveness to it.

I don't say anything at all but instead give him a big bear hug. He's confused at first but eventually wraps his arms around me and gives my shoulders a squeeze.

"You may not know this but growing up without you would really suck." He murmurs quietly and I can't help but feel bad for how I've treated Garrett in the past.

"It would suck without you too." I smile.

"Okay let's break up the mush fest." Hailey is in the doorway then.

"Whatever loser." Garrett shoves her into the door frame then as he walks out of my room.

"Jerk!" She yells back, ah brother-sister love.

"I'm glad you're back Avs, it wouldn't be the same without you." Her face softens, I'm starting to enjoy this side of Hailey.

"Yeah, I'm glad I'm back too. But my mom..." I trail off not knowing where to begin.

"Natalie and Harriet are already on it, don't worry." She smiles.

"Really?" I don't even have time to ask more questions because my mind is reeling at a million miles per hour.

I ran past Hailey then and run down the stairs. I look around for Natalie and Harriet but Harriet's door is closed. I sigh and tiptoe to the door and lean my ear against the door.

"Harriet, I'm so glad I was able to find her." 

"You and me both." 

"I just wish things were different." She admits and my eyes widen like saucers. What does she mean? I need to know more, come on Natalie!

"Careful, you might push the door open if you lean in any closer." Adam jokes as he walks by to the kitchen.

I flip him off in a joking manner and listen in again.

"What do you mean?" Harriet asks the golden question.

"I think I made a mistake." 

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