Chapter 9

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Dinner was very awkward. Hailey sat there with a disgusted look on her face with the meatloaf sitting in front of her.

"Hailey may I ask why you're looking at your meatloaf like it has eyeballs?" Harriet laughs and she takes a bite of hers. Natalie and I exchange a glance then and know exactly what's happening, it's the pregnancy changing her likes and dislikes with food. She also has an enhanced sense of smell now.

"I'm just not hungry tonight, can I be excused?" Her voice sounded embarrassed almost.

"Yes, is everything okay dear?" Harriet wipes her face with a napkin then and sets it in her lap.

"Yeah, my stomach hurts. I want to take a hot bath if that's alright."

"Of course, you have permission to use mine and Hudson's bathroom." She smiled and Hailey quickly picked up her plate and brought it into the kitchen.

"Weirdo." I hear Garrett mutter. I want to punch him for saying that but he has no idea what's going on with her and it's better off he doesn't. I can't believe I'm trying to protect Hailey but it's a whole different situation since she's with child now.

"Well I wanted Hailey to be here for what Hudson and I were going to announce but I'm sure she won't mind." Harriet speaks, yet again she has our full attention.

"What now?" Emelyne groans. Harriet gives her a pointed look.

"Mark is coming home! He'll meet us at the courthouse tomorrow morning. He's coming in for Lily's adoption!" Harriet claps.

"Yay! Marky!" Lily cheers.

"Oh great." Garrett mutters under his breath.

"Is there a problem, Garrett?" It's Hudson who speaks this time and immediately Garrett apologizes.

"Well that's that then. If you kids are done, you may clear your plates." Harriet stands up and takes Lily's plate into the kitchen.

"Ava!" Natalie chases after me as I clear my plate.

"What part of, don't talk to me don't you understand?"

"Ouch." Garrett of course adds his two cents.

"Fuck off Garrett,  no one asked for your opinion." I snap.

"Fuck you Ava." He storms back upstairs.

"That wasn't necessary Ava." Natalie looks disappointed in me. "I just want to talk." She sighs.

"What's there to talk about? You betrayed me." I look her dead in the eyes.

"Ava you're still my best friend. I'm literally just going to be living in a different house, that's all. A different sleeping quarter."

"And with a different family." I argue.

"You're still my family. You have to know that. You will always be my family." She was very close to tears now.

"I just don't understand what happened to us moving out together. That was the plan. There wasn't suppose to be a family for us." I realize then how harsh that sounds and with that she doesn't even say anything and goes upstairs.


"I now announce Lilian Mae Richards as adopted." The judge says, hitting her mallet. Tears brim all of our eyes besides the boys of course.

"Yay!" Lily beams with the biggest smile on her face. An officer takes a giant group photo of all of us then.

"Should Natalie even be included since she's leaving us?" I ask, wondering why I even said that out loud.

"Ava Elizabeth Littleton!" Harriet scolds me. Everyone looks at me with disbelief.

"Shots fired!" Adam says.

"Wow, never expected you to stoop this low Ava." Natalie looks beyond hurt as she leaves the courtroom in tears.

"That was low, even for you." Emelyne looks at me ashamed, following Natalie.

"And I thought I was the bitch!" Hailey laughs, but she's the only one that does.

"Ava, you're grounded." Harriet looks at me like she's ashamed to even have me in her home. I feel horrible but it just slipped out.

Garrett looks over at me with disgust. What is his fucking deal lately?

"Well what did I miss fam?" Mark speaks to try and ease the tension.

"We will catch you up at home, let's go now." Harriet leads the pack back out to our cars.

I have to ride home with Garrett because no one wants me in their cars and Harriet is making him drive me home.

"What's going on Ava, really? What's really bothering you to be acting like this?" He asks as soon as we get into his car.

"Isn't it obvious? My best friend is leaving me, I thought we were sisters." I could feel myself starting to become emotional now.

"You know there's more than just Natalie that lives here right? I've had your back since day one too." Wait, Garrett actually cares about me? How did I not notice this?

"You're too obsessed to do everything with Natalie, that you never even give us others a chance. How do you think Emelyne feels? She looks up to you, Nat and Hailey. You never do anything with her." I sit back in my seat then taking in everything he's saying. Is that how Emelyne really feels? Have I put everyone else on the back burner all this time besides Nat and Lily?

"You know, Adam has severe depression and his only escape is video games but you wouldn't know that because you don't talk to him."

"I knew it. I had a feeling he was hiding something." That I admit to.

"So why haven't you asked him if he's okay?" Why is Garrett interrogating me?

"I-I just never thought he would care what I'd have to say."

"Bullshit, YOU don't care." Garrett was getting heated now.

"I'm sorry Garrett, I really am. I didn't realize how selfish I was acting. I love this family so much and that's why I'm so upset over Nat leaving us."

"And I actually talk to Hailey more than you think." Shit, don't tell him, don't tell him, don't tell him.

"Yeah okay, she's a total bitch most of the time." Garrett scoffs.

"Don't talk about her like that! She's going through the a really rough time!" I instantly get defensive, shocking myself and Garrett.

"Okay, spill." He knows I'm not joking.

"I can't. I promised I wouldn't tell." I bite my lip.

"Is she in danger? Is it life threatening?" Wow, I guess Garrett actually does look out for all of us.

"Not danger but it could be life threatening I guess." I was so close to giving away her secret and throwing away my trust between her and I.

"Ava.." Garrett gave a warning voice.

"Garrett, she's pregnant." I whisper.

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