Chapter 12

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"Mom, what are you doing here?" I take a step back because right now, she is the last person I want to be face to face with.

"I had to see that you are okay, after that stunt your father tried luring me into, I apologize about that." 

Is she actually for real right now? She's the monster in this family, destroying us piece by piece. She's the one who tried making my own father kidnap me.

"Who's at the doo-?" Garrett appears in the foyer then but stops when he sees it's my mother.

"Excuse me m'am, but you have no right to be here right now especially since Harriet and Hudson are not home." Garrett's protectiveness instantly kicks in and I can cut the tension with a knife.

"I know, please don't tell them! I just had to make sure you were alright." She seemed off and smelled really weird. Oh my god, is she drunk?

"Well my family saved me and you saw that so I'm fine, I'm right here." 

"Your family? And did you forget who I am? The woman who was in labor with you for all hours of the night?! You ungrateful little shit!" She was slurring her words now and hobbled back a little, nearing the porch steps.

I just looked her dead in the eye, this woman wasn't going to get to me. Not no more.

"Seriously, you need to leave before I call the cops." Garrett steps out to the porch and helps her down the stairs since she's clearly incapable of doing so herself.

"Don't come back here." I hear Garrett whisper to her before he jumps back onto the porch and into the house, shutting the door and putting the deadbolt on.

"Are you good? I know she's probably the last person you wanted to see right now." 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said in a monotone voice and went up to my room for a moment.

I sit on the edge of my bunk bed, guess I don't need a bunk anymore since this room is no longer Ava and Natalie's room...just mine. I walk over to the picture frame sitting on my drawer, me and Natalie as kids smiling these big goofy grins with a Popsicle in our hands on a warm summer day at the splash pad down at the park. Harriet would take me, Nat, Lily and Emelyne on summer days while the boys stayed back and helped Hudson with the yard. Hailey was invited to join us but she'd rather sit in her room with her headphones on and do her makeup.

"Did you hear Natalie is finally living with her new family?"

"Must suck to not have her best friend living with her anymore."

"Too bad no one wants to adopt Ava, Natalie must be the prettier one of the two."

Okay that last one was uncalled for. Of course rumors were swirling around school when Natalie and I returned as full time students.

"Did you hear Hailey was pregnant and had an abortion?" Talia Jordans whispered into her friends ear and giggled.

"Oh yeah that totally happened, she wasn't sitting on our bathroom floor bleeding out or anything. Shut your mouth and stop making up rumors Talia." I approach her with my books in hand, ready to smack the stupid girl.

She immediately shut her locker shut and her and her friend scurried off not saying a word. Teenage girls are the worst, they feed off of gossip and untrue rumors.

I take a seat in my first period class just as the bell rings and I can feel everyone's stares pierce through my back as I go and find a seat.

"Class, we have a new student joining us this period, her schedule needed some re-arranging. Natalie Farmington." Mrs. Morrison announces and I just sit there still as a statue.

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