3. Life of Lies

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Life of Lies

Pennsylvania, 1688

Caroline sat in silence by the girl's broken body, watching as her pallid complexion slowly regained its color. The vampire had only seen part of what had happened, much to her anger. Of course, when she had discovered the group of village men harming one of the new arrivals, she did not have to think for a moment. She immediately jumped in and snapped their damn necks. For now, she did not regret her actions; the men were animals. Yet, she knew she would feel the regret, the pain, later, just as she always did, even if they had deserved all they had gotten. Life was still life and Caroline did not like to be the cause of it ending.

Caroline's thoughts were interrupted when suddenly the girl sat up, gasping. Her hands flew to her chest as she whipped her head around, the hood of her cloak falling from her head, exposing long blonde curls of hair. Her breathing quickened impossibly more and Caroline knew the girl was in the midst of a panic attack; the fact that she was in the middle of the transition certainly didn't help that either.

Immediately, the vampire reached out to help the frightened, formerly human girl. She took the other's hands into her own, trying to find a way to calm her down. The only way to do that now, she knew, was through to her with physical contact.

"Sh, it's alright. It is all alright." Caroline said, attempting to sound as soothing as she could.

"W-What? I-I don't-" The girl sounded utterly bewildered as her eyes flickered around.

"Breathe, just breathe. You must calm yourself." Caroline replied catching her eyes; it was times like these that she wished she could compel more than just humans... Not that she really used compulsion much...

"W-Who are you? I was sure I was..." She trailed off.

"My name is Caroline Forbes. And you are?" Caroline tried to get the frenzied dead girl to focus.

"Alexia. Alexia Branson."

"Well, Lexi, can I call you Lexi?" The newly dubbed 'Lexi' nodded her head dubiously. "Anyways, Lexi, I am afraid what I have to say does not bode well."

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"You know what happened, Lexi, you must only let yourself remember." Caroline's tone went completely serious.

"Let myself..." A sudden horrible recognition lit up Lexi's eyes. "The men, they attacked me! But then something else, someone else took them off of me... I was alive but then..." She glanced up to Caroline's with realization. "You! You forced me to drink something... And then you- You snapped my neck! But how-?" Lexi ripped her hands away from Caroline as if burned.

"I cannot deny any of it."

"W-Why did you do this to me?" The blonde girl asked, looking confused and heartbroken.

"You were dying… I could not just let you die so I saved you, gave you new life." Caroline replied meeting the woman's blue-eyed gaze, scanning her for further signs of the transition.

"You would save me? But, you do not even know me..." The other returned.

"You remind me of someone… someone in my dreams…" Then Caroline smiled at her sympathetically. "You have a choice now. You can choose to live or choose to die. Your new life would be different, it would be difficult but you would remain young forever and I would help you… I will not abandon you." She said, her voice sincere. She knew all too well the pain of being alone.

"What do you mean, I have a choice? I don't understand, what's going on?" The girl sounded heartbreakingly confused. "Why did you do this to me? Why did you attack me? And why does my head hurt so much?" As if saying the words made her head pound more, Lexi lifted her hands, cradling her head between them.

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