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❛[𝐘/𝐍], 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐏𝐔𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄.❜ The taller male ordered, [y/n] looked back as her boss was behind her in the line, she nodded her head and took some more bacon another egg, and some toast. Before she only had an egg and a piece of bacon, The night before in the car she had a breakdown and basically connected with her boss on a deeper level.

Akira was already sitting at their table with some pink cereal and a stuffed breakfast bun, His short legs kicked under the table as he happily ate, the assistant smiled at the boy but soon her smile was replaced with a worried one as a little boy around his age who was much thinner started talking and slowly Akira's smile faded.

"You shouldn't be eating that much!" The little boy with ginger hair spoke, some would say that the boy was sickly thin, Akira's face got a little red as the boy clenched his nails into the palm of his hand.

"My papa said it's ok to eat a lot, and I'm 'ungry (hungry)" The pale boy pouted as his blonde hair flowed in his face, [y/n] looked at the child talking to Akira with disbelief surely he wasn't saying something nice if the poor boy was frowning.

She walked over to the table and placed her food down, on the table walking over to the two boys with a concerned look on her face, immediately when she came into Akira's view he hugged her, he muffled some words into her shirt she pulled him back bending down to his level.

"What's wrong bubba?" Her soft voice cut through his ears, he turned his bright red face towards her and threw himself into the crook of her neck.

"This boy said I shouldn't be eating that much!" He cried, Akira was a silent crier so [y/n] could only hear his sniffles, she didn't care that this other boy was a child, whoever had taught him his manners was crazy! She turned to the thin boy with a more serious scolding look, Kenma on the other hand wasn't paying attention as he was trying to pick between the different hams, they all looked good!

"That wasn't nice of you, I want you to apologize to him nicely"   This was her best strict voice, and boy it did work, before he could even lift up his head and apologize, a very thin old-looking woman stood by his side.

"Is there a problem here?" Her voice was groggy, but she was beautiful, she had mid-toned ginger hair and a very expensive dress on her, [y/n] stood up taller as she could see the woman was looking down at her, She didn't want to show Akira it affected her too because she didn't want to seem weak.

"Your son, said some rather rude comments to mine" Akira's head perked up hearing [y/n] call him her son, he flushed with a color of red before putting his head back down again.

The woman scoffed, rolling her eyes and stepping much closer to the chubby girl. "Listen, that's not the right way to feed him, I get you're a whale but no need to force it onto your children" She smirked in a wicked way, [y/n] rolled her eyes.

"Actually my child is independent, he picked his food all by himself, and please just let him apologize" The chubby female didn't want any drama with this lady, she just want her to apologize to her son.

Kenma walked up to the table with his head down as he ate some fruit happily, The woman saw him walking and scoffed even louder,

"Even your husband, you must have a real-" Before she could finish, Kenma looked up with a cocktail sausage in his mouth, he was rather confused but soon put on a more confrontational face, when he saw his son clutching onto [y/n] and his dear assistant looking at him with those eyes.

"What's going on here?" His voice was strict, harsh he wanted to know what made them both upset and for god's sake, it was a holiday there was no reason they should be unhappy!

The thin woman opened her mouth but nothing came out, her mouth moved but silence followed, [y/n] turned the man around getting ready to tell anything, she didn't care about this woman and her child.

"This little boy came over here to our son while he was eating, and told him he is eating too much-" The ginger lady interrupted before the more chubby woman put a finger up to her face.

'I'm not done.' She whispered bitterly to the woman Before she turned to the much taller man before speaking again.

"And this woman, said I'm forcing my eating ways onto him." She finished with a small frown but quickly as she fixed a smile when Akira glanced up at her, Kenma on the other hand was furious, his knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping.

"I want you and your child to get away from my family, and if I ever see or hear you talking bad about my wife, You'll be walking around without that big mouth of yours." He whispered the last part as he shooed them away sitting down with his family. He gave y/n a cheeky smile before encouraging Akira to eat his food.

"I don't wanna get big papa" He shamefully admitted, Kenma had a sad frown on his face before he sighed putting his plate down and opening his mouth to speak but [y/n] beat him to it.

"I promise you Akira, you won't get big what happened to our bear bellies?" [y/n] cooed as she acted sadly, Akira panicked, he didn't want his favorite person to be upset.

Kenma gave his son a look motioning him to eat, Akira wasted no time digging in, The blonde man turned to his assistant rubbing his thin hand across her chubbier one.

"You okay [y/n]" He whispered, the smell of his fresh cologne hit her she smiled warmly shrugging her shoulders.

"Don't worry about me" 

                                                                                            ‗ ❍

The water at the pool was freezing but it was a hot day, the [skin tone/color] girl stretched back onto her chair sipping her mojito, as she watched Kenma and Akira go down the slides and play. Her phone started ringing as she turned it around to be met with the name of her roommate.

"[y/n]! how are you my baby" Hina joked as the sound of  pots and plates was heard

"I'm good, Akira and his dad are swimming!" She explained sipping on her drink

Kenma looked back at the chubby girl and made her a heart with his arms from afar, [y/n] chuckled feeling the blood rush to her body turned away still on the phone.

"That man better keep it in his pants!" A deeper voice shouted from afar,

"Stop it Kuroo, leave my poor [y/n] alone!" Hina defended, Hina was walking for a while until the door closed and she sighed before squealing.

[y/n] removed the phone from her ear hearing Hina squeal, "Calm down!" She shouted.

"You did it, didn't you?"


guess who updated :o

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