Chapter 2- Except for me

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I wake up the next beautiful morning. I stretch, take a shower, brush my teeth, and get ready for my day. I look in my closet and pull out a pink polo shirt, leggings, a hot pink mini skirt, and put on my nike shoes. I brush my hair and style it the way I like it. I put on red eyeshadow, mascara, and eyeliner.

Usually, when I go downstairs, I see my mom cooking breakfast, my dad reading the newspaper, and Grace reading a book. But today, they aren't home. Mom isn't cooking. Dad isn't reading the daily newspaper. Grace isn't reading a book.

I go inside the kitchen and mom must of left the water boiling. I go to turn it off, when I see something strange. Mom's clothes are on the floor. I turn to see at the table that Dad's clothes are on the floor. Right next to his clothes, Grace's clothes are on the floor and the book she was reading was the bible. The bible was opened to 1 Corinthians 15:51-52.

"Behold, I tell you a  mystery:  We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

No this can't be happening. It's all a dream. Yeah, I just woke up from sleep and this is just a dream. I should be waking up by now, I think to myself.

I go in the living room and turn on the television. "Breaking news, the world is going crazy. People are vanishing all around the world and all that is left of them are their clothing. There are major accidents and even plane crashes going on around the globe. People would call this the rapture. The end time and-" I turn off the TV.

So I'm not dreaming. This is real. Why? Why? Wasn't I good enough? What did I do?, I pray.

I run upstairs to my parents room, searching to see if this is a major joke. No one. I call and no one answers. I even go up to my sister's room and pick up her teddy bear. I hold him close to my heart, crying with rage in my eyes.

I think about all the times I was requested to go up to the altar. I never went because I thought I was already a christian. I run into my room and slam the door. "God, why would you leave me alone. Couldn't I go with my parents? Couldn't I be with them? And Grace. What about her? Lord, why couldn't I get another chance? Why God, why?" I yell. I feel bad for yelling at God, but he left me here.

I go downstairs, wiping the tears off my face. I pick up the bible Grace had and read it. I really read it. "Lord, I'm sorry. I'm repenting now. I'm sorry for saying that you don't exist. I'm sorry for saying I will find a new God. Please forgive me of all my sins. I want to be a Christian now. A real one, not a hypocrite. I believe that you sent your son to die for me. Thank you Lord Jesus. Amen."

Then someone knocks on my door. I check the mirror to make sure my makeup isn't messing up. I check the peephole and there stands Steven.

I quickly open it and give him a hug. He hugs me back and kisses my forehead. He smells like Old Spice and I am drawn to it.

"I heard about the whole rapture thing and I came over as quickly as I can to make sure you weren't taken away," Steven says.

I look into his eyes.

"Are your parents okay? And what about Grace? How is she? Are they still here?" Steven asks in concern.

I shake my head and the tears start pouring out of my eyes. He shushes me gently and hugs me. I apologize for drowning his shirt with my tears and he laughs. We both go inside and I make him a frappe.

"I know what you're going through. My mother and best friend were taken away, too. I was told so many times, but I never listened. You know, I was supposed to go to church yesterday, but I lied. And you, I thought you would of gone too," Steven tells me.

I nod. I thought the same too, but now I realize what I did wrong. We sit and talk for a while.

"I don't know what I'm going to do now. I mean, everyone that meant so much to me are now gone. Except for you of course. How am I supposed to keep this house? I mean this is my home," I ask myself out loud.

Steven laugh. I am confuse. "What's so funny?"

"You sound like one of those old people who can't risk losing their homes. I say you sell this house and live with me. I'm alone too. We aren't getting married, so we aren't sleeping in the same room. We can use the money to get a job and possibly pay some of the bills. Is that alright with you?"

I nod. I kiss him on the cheek and pack my bags.

We're riding in the car. Steven has the radio on and we end up listening to a preacher.

"The Rapture is an "end times" event where Jesus Christ returns for His Church and believers who are 'alive and remain shall be caught up the clouds to meet the Lord in the air'. No one know when or what time the believers are going to be brought up to heaven. For those who are now left behind will be faced with great judgement and tribulations. There will be the mark of the beast and you will have to receive a mark. But if you do, that means you sold your soul to the devil and you will automatically go to hell. "

We stop at a red light, when a lady, with blood dripping down her face asks in despair, "Have you seen my son? Where is my son? He was right here, until he just vanished," she says crying her eyes out. I calm her down.

"I wish we could do something for her. Steven, can't we do something?" I ask.

He puts his hand on my shoulder saying, "Only God can do something for them now."

I nod and the light turns green. We are stuck. We are here on this earth and we are now going to have to face the tribulations. I just wish that I had listened to my parents, I tell  myself.

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