Chapter 4- The Plan

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A few years later, Steven and I are still living together. We are able to pay off the house with the money I got from my house.

Strange things have been happening around the world. Not long after the rapture, this man, Fersonda Zhuravlev, went to Israel and made a peace treaty with them for seven years. Now all over the world has found peace and is now in order.

I'm walking down the street hand in hand with Steven. Steven has grown a full brown beard now. I tell him to shave it off, but he doesn't listen to me. He also widened out. Not fat wise, but muscle.

We walk inside McDonalds and order ten chicken nugget meal. We sit down at a booth, near the playground.

"This is nice," I say. "It's good to get out of the house, ya know."

Steven nods. They call our name and I get our food. I sit back down and we hold hands.

"Dear Lord, we want to thank you for this food. Please help us during this time and help us stay in your word. In your name I pray, Amen," Steven prays.

I whisper "Amen" and grab a nugget.

"So, we need to get ready. I mean for the mark of the beast. We need to sell the house and live somewhere far away from here as possible. I was reading the bible the other day. In Revelation 13:16-17, it says 'He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.' We can't take the mark or we will go-" my crying cuts me off.

I am embarrassed of crying in front of everyone in McDonalds, but I am afraid. I am terrified of what they will do to me.

I'm afraid of not making it.

Steven puts his hand on my shoulder. "We can do this. As long as we believe in God and not take the mark, we will conquer all things. It's going to be okay. I promise." Steven says.

I hug him, tightly. Very tightly. I can hear him laughing at me, like he was grasping for air. I loosen up a little bit.

"Steven? I'm very glad that I met you and that you asked me. If you didn't, I probably would be on my own right now," I say, showing my bright white teeth in his face.

He smiles back and kisses me. We hear children saying "Eww! They are disgusting!"

We turn around and children about five to eight years old have disgusted looks on their faces. We laugh and finish our chicken nuggets.

"So, do you want to start hoarding up today?"Steven asks, putting a load of fries in his mouth.

I giggle. "Yes if you want. First, we should call our real estate agent. We need to sell our house. Then we can use the money for food, water, and possibly some supplies to build a house," I say, mixing the ranch in with the buffalo sauce.

Steven puts a surprise look on his face. I laugh. "How am I supposed to build an entire house? I can hardly wash clothes."

I think. Whenever my dad needed help with something, like plumbing or fixing computers, he always looked on Youtube. His motto was, If you need help with something, go to Youtube. They basically have everything you need.

"I have an idea. At home, we have a computer, right? Why don't you use that computer and go on Youtube. Huh? I'm sure it's not that hard," I reply, while putting ketchup on my fries.

He looks at me with disbelief in his eyes. I stare at him with a "Well, are you going to do it or not?" look. He picks up a fry and throws it at me. It falls on the floor and I laugh uncontrollably.

"Ha! You missed me!" I say.

He laughs and we throw our food away.

 Lord please help us. We really need your help because we can't do this alone.

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