Chapter 12- Steven's POV

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        We go outside and I am astonished about what I see. All the birds chirping, and bugs on trees, makes me amazed at what God has made. 

I have taken for granted everything that I had. I have good friends and a good Christian church, but I could be in heaven with my mom and Nathan. I could be with the angels and Jesus. With God. Instead I am here. My brother and I didn't make it. My brother abandoned me to live with his girlfriend. I have not heard from him ever since the rapture.

"Do you think we can put it here? Is this far enough?" Tara asks me.

Tara and I are in the woods. There is green surrounding us, leaves and small plants. The sky is pink and orange, and it makes everything beautiful.

"Nah, maybe we can go a little bit farther,"

I turn around. Tara is behind me. She looks down, lonely. I don't like seeing people sad and not happy. If they aren't happy, the entire world won't be happy. I wait for her to come next to me. I put my arm around her back, putting my hand on her shoulder. She smiles a little bit. "What's wrong? You look sad," I ask.

We stop walking. I stare into her big brown eyes. She stares at me, afraid. Why is she afraid? Especially because of me? Tara is very alluring, but I promised myself that I would stay with Sofie. No matter what.

"Do you really want to know? It's really stupid," Tara says.

Nothing is stupid unless you make it stupid.

"I won't laugh. Promise," I say friendly.

She takes a deep breath. Now, she is making me intense. "I am jealous. I'm angry at you and Sofie. You guys have a great relationship. We are stuck here and I can't find a nice, Christian man because of the mark. I like you. You are nice, handsome, and you have a very close relationship with the Lord. Do you like me? I told you it is a stupid question."

I continue staring at her. Her question makes me think. Why is she so worried about a man? Why does she like me? I understand her situation. I understand her hurt. Her pain.

"Well, I do like you. But I can't love you the way you want me too. I think you're beautiful and a strong Christian, but my love is for Sofie. I'm sorry. God is going to find you a man. Do you trust him?" I ask.

I am serious about my question. I wonder what she is going to say. She rolls her eyes and sits down at a nearby log. The log is covered with grass and moss, so she wipes it off before she sits on it. I sit next to her, and I try to comfort her, but she moves away from me with her arm cross against her chest.

I get up and hold out my hand. "Look, we have to get rid of credit card. You can sit here, pout, and be mad at God. Or you can just live your life, and trust God to find you love and happiness. We are still good friends. Nothing more, nothing less."

She takes my hand, smile, and we walk farther into the woods.

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