Chapter 13- Let's Get to Work

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"Hey, Sofie. I wish you were here with us. As in mommy, daddy, Jesus, and God. I miss you a lot," Grace says.

Grace. How much I miss my little sister. The sky is white. As a matter of fact, everything here is white. But, this white is glamorous. Beautiful. Amazing.

I am walking around, not knowing where to go. I look down. My bare feet are walking on gold. Bright, shimmering gold. I have an idea of what this place is.


I question myself as I am walking, seeing many faces and angels.

How did I get here? Am I dead? Where's Steven and Tara? Are they dead too?

My stomach starts to rumble. I look for something to help. There is an orchard up ahead and I start to run. The food looks so tasty, I start to drool. I pick up an apple and start to munch on it. Every bite tastes like heaven. (No pun intended.)

"Sofie, I'm so glad you are here," my mom says, "We were so worried about you."

My mom hugs me tightly. I can't feel anything, unlike Earth.

"Where am I?" I ask, making sure this is real.

"You are in heaven, silly. Wake up, Sofie. Wake up," my dad says.

My eyes pop eyes. Tara and Steven are in my face.

"Sofie, I never knew you drooled in your sleep," Steven says, trying to crack a joke.

I sit up in my cott. "What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.'

"It's nightfall," Tara responds.

I  get up and grab the blueprints. I open them up and tell Steven and Tara my plans. They agree to it and decide to work on it now. I am still a little tired, but the sleep from my nap will keep me awake. Beside, Tara  stored up coffee for us to drink.

Tara and I are working on the three tunnels. While on shovels, the other holds the wheelbarrow and lantern. Steven is working on the other shelter.

I can't help but to think about Tara. I can't stop thinking about her magazine.

"Tara, can I ask you a question?" I query.

She stops shoveling, "Go ahead."

"Why were you looking at that magazine? It's not like we are going anywhere to buy anything? Were you thinking about getting the mark?" I question, hoping that it's not an offensive one.

Tara looks down. She looks guilty. Why would she want the mark? Was she thinking of turning Steven and I in?

"Yes, I was thinking about it. It seemed so real at the time. I realized that I would go to hell, even if I have power here on Earth. Besides, who would I go to if I got the mark? You guys are my family. I'd rather die than be without you," she utters.

I hug her firmly. I am about to cry. I can't believe that she would say that. At first, I was a little suspicious, but now, she is like the older sister I never had.

"Ok, too much love. Let's get back to work," Tara says, letting loose.

I agree and I hold the wheelbarrow.

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