6 - Study Buddy

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This fan fiction contains MATURE themes such as sexual content, violence, consumption of alcohol, lots of kinks & fetishes, and more, which may be highly offensive and/or unpleasant to some readers


Nervousness was an understatement.

Taehyung was so uncomfortable, he began to feel apprehensive.

Being around new people was a unfamiliar territory that he disliked to his very core, especially a pretty girl like Belle, hence the reason he was quietly bickering and desperately begging Mr. Kim to let him do this assignment alone, but to no avail.

The timid male was told that it was only going to help him - Stupid Jin hyung...

Pushing the hatred he bore aside and accepting his own defeat, he meekly followed behind his new partner, hopelessly ignoring the pit of anxiety slowly beginning to brew deep within the pit of his stomach.

His books were held prisoner against his chest due to the tight embrace of his arms, his sight lowered to the floor in front of him since his nerves hadn't even begun to find any trace of solace, and his mind jolting from one thought to another, like a thousand miles per hour - Was he going to make it? Can he really do this? What if he's useless and can't help with the project in any way? What if she finds his presence annoying like everyone else? And his stuttering... What if she makes fun of that too? What if...

As in second nature, Taehyung turned down the hall on the left hand side, which lead towards the direction of the library, still dwelling deeper within his own self-debate, however it wasn't too long after that his inner monologue came to an abrupt stop.

The sudden absence of his partner drew a quick frown of confusion upon his facial features.

The timid male turned on his heels and retraced his steps, hesitantly glancing down both sides of the hallway he just exited from, and just like he predicted, Belle was still walking the same initial direction and unfortunately, it wasn't going to lead her anywhere - He knew that hallway ended in a cul-de-sac.

Stunned and rooted in spot, Taehyung sensed a little panic spread through his entire body as he witnessed her figure slowly becoming smaller in the distance - What should I do?! I can't just wait for her to turn around and wander aimlessly some more!

The grey haired male wasn't used to this, helping others nor talking to them, it certainly wasn't his forte - This is why being alone on an assignment is so much better! Stupid Jin hyung! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

The small ball of nerves located in the pit of his stomach from earlier began to arise from its perch, dreadfully moving up his stomach, and agonizingly travelling up through his œsophage.

All he had to do was say it's this way.

That's it.

Simple right?

Not at all...

Just when he thought he knew what he was going to say, his words crumbled upon exiting.

"Y-Y-You...!" Taehyung stammered and immediately flushed in embarrassment for having to hear himself stutter out loud like an idiot.

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