1 - Which One?

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This fan fiction contains MATURE themes such as sexual content, violence, consumption of alcohol, lots of kinks & fetishes, and more, which may be highly offensive and/or unpleasant to some readers


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The music being blasted through the speakers thrummed a constant vibration within the four walls of the well populated night club.

It was like any other regular night, the smell of sweat and alcohol lingered within the air, the mosh pit of people upon the dance floor continued on without care, and the other bystanders sitting at the bar and the tables carried on drinking their liquor or beer.

To them, the night was still young, and the responsibilities and consequences of the next coming day would be dealt with at a later time, especially the two men who were hidden on the further side of the bar, eyes skimming the crowd, in search of their next prey - Nothing bad of any sorts.

They were simply seeking for a night of pleasure between the two of them and one lucky lady - No Strings Attached.

"What about her?" One of the males yelled over the loud music, nudging his partner in crime towards the direction of his chosen target.

The other male nursing the glass of whiskey held within the palm of his hand finally lifted his gaze and shifted his attention towards the area in questioning.

"Which one?" He replied with little to no enthusiasm, clearly feeling a little dejected for not having found the perfect one yet.

"The one sucking her straw" The brown haired male replied before chugging down the rest of his drink and alerting the bartender for a refill.

With the sudden new information, the black haired individual briefly scanned the crowd before immediately spotting the target alone at a table, empty glass in her hand as she mindlessly chewed upon her plastic straw.

"No" He flatly denied, taking a sip of the amber-colored liquid and relishing in the burning sensation gliding down his throat as he swallowed, before letting out a satisfying exhale.

"Ugh... Why not?" The other whined in displeasure, hating that his hyung was always so picky - At this point, they were going home empty handed.

"Just no..." He replied with a shake of his head while his eyes took the opportunity to give her another once over.

She wasn't bad looking, long curly brown hair with a cute round face, short black dress snugged tightly around her body that barely covered anything, but it was just the way she held herself that turned him off - She seemed a bit childish, almost bratty and he was certainly not in the mood to deal with that at the moment.

His partner in crime grumbled a few curse words, his eyes rolling with impatience before letting them settle upon the sea of people - This was going to be a long night...

The many different colored lasers gliding effortlessly across the room were almost a little too blinding, but thankfully, it illuminated the dance floor long enough to clearly see the faces of the crowd dancing before the shadows reappeared again.

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