8 - Secrets, Threats & Promises

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This fan fiction contains MATURE themes such as sexual content, violence, consumption of alcohol, lots of kinks & fetishes, and more, which may be highly offensive and/or unpleasant to some readers


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Although he had awoken hours ago, no movement had occurred for awhile.

At first, he thought it was due to the heavy weight of his cozy comforter, effortlessly continuing to hold him hostage throughout the early morning.

However, as time went on, he realized it was because of the lack of energy dwelling within his veins from the prior night of restlessness.

His dull eyes were fixated upon the white ceiling looming over the bed, his muscles heavy like lead and his mind plagued with the taunting event that happened the previous day - Maybe he should just stay in...

He told himself that he wouldn't miss anything important on the second day of class, and even if he did, Jin would eventually catch him up with the lesson, however he wasn't ready to face him just yet.

The thought of interacting with the eldest summoned dread throughout every part of his body.

He knew his childish outburst last night was way out of line, and yet he wasn't mentally ready to admit fault and apologize.

And worst of all, the regret and embarrassment that washed over him after his little incident in the library still lingered and haunted him deep within his core.

There was no way he could face her, just the thought made him apprehensive.

Belle was the first girl that actually made an effort to interacted with him.

Although she had no other choice since they were partnered up, the interaction between them never felt forced nor did she ever look disinterested whenever he stuttered through his sentences - Something about her felt safe, almost home-like.

He groaned loudly in despair before finally gaining enough energy to shift his weight, rolling on to his stomach and burying his face deep into his pillow in defeat.

He ruined his chance of ever having any kind of relationship with her.

"I'm such an embarrassment..." He whined through the pillow while clutching a fistful of fabric "...I'm such a loser"

At that moment, nothing could change his mind, he was going to stay caged in his room all day - I'm staying home and that's final.

"Taaaaeeee..." A voice called out through the wooden barrier after a couple small knocks had initially caught his attention "...Are you up? Breakfast is ready."

He instantly recognized the voice and felt his heart sink to his stomach - Jin hyung...

Even after Taehyung took out his tantrum on him, the latter still managed to put it aside and carve out time to make sure he was up and that food was ready on the table for him - I'm a total ass...

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