2 - Two is Better Than One

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This fan fiction contains MATURE themes such as sexual content, violence, consumption of alcohol, lots of kinks & fetishes, and more, which may be highly offensive and/or unpleasant to some readers


The ice chilling breeze had no mercy for the innocent bystanders wandering outside the night club, especially this late in the evening.

The second Belle stepped out of the establishment, she could immediately feel an army of goosebumps arise upon her skin from the bitter coldness, however she could also feel a huge contrast brewing from within her, an unsuspecting heat of anticipation and excitement slowly bubbling within the pit of her stomach - Calm down... Yes, it's been awhile, but calm down.

She mindlessly followed the brown haired male, secretly relishing in the warmth of his hand continuing to cage her own as he travelled past the exit and scurried over closer towards the brick wall, hoping the nipping wind wouldn't be as effective.

His head was hung low, eyes burning irritably through the screen of his phone as he tried to redial the number again, only to be left with a flat line.

"There's no cellphone service here..." He mumbled with a little annoyance as he hung up, once again, before turning around to look towards Belle and then Yoongi "Stay here with Yoongi while I go call a cab"

Belle found herself grateful that he thought of her comfort against the ice piercing weather, however she also found herself dumbfounded the moment she practically felt herself pout the second his hand parted from hers - Wait... Why was she acting like this?

The slight slouch of her shoulders didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi, and thinking that she was cold, he took the opportunity to snake his arms from behind, snuggly wrapping them around her waist and pulling her back comfortably against his body.

"Don't worry..." He whispered softly against the shell of her ear, before nuzzling his face within the crook of her neck, not forgetting to pepper small kisses across her delicate skin "...I'll keep you warm"

It only took milliseconds for Belle's face to flush in a pink hue, her body erupting with an unforeseen hotness, and a knot of neediness beginning to form in her stomach - What was wrong with her? Has she been deprived for too long?

As if on cue, her head tilted to the side without a second thought, shamelessly exposing her pretty unmarked neck to the individual that was slowly beginning to ravish her - Yes... That's a definite yes. No doubt about it.

The last time she had been intimate with someone instantly brought a sour taste to her mouth.

Her ex boyfriend was undoubtedly a completely selfish douche, all he ever cared for was materialistic things and sex, however it was only for his own pleasure - He never bothered to finish what he had started.

Suddenly, Yoongi's lips began to kiss with a little more zest, teeth grazing and nipping here and there as if he was testing out the waters, which immediately forced Belle to come back into reality, although she was unable to control the small whimper that escaped out of her mouth.

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