|Make Things Right|

559 11 0

Chile that picture does something to me. If only she could look at me like that! MY LEGS ARE LITERALLY SHUT TIGHT RN!!!!
Billie dom
Zara sub

Billie's POV

Everyone knows the history between me and Zara. And me knowing Zara hella good Ive been seeing what she has been doing, and I'm catching on.

Of course she's trying to make me jealous by being with other guys, but little does she know I'm not jealous at all. Actually it's kinda funny seeing her try her best to make me jealous.

Sooo I'm bored and me and Ashley have been kinda rocky. No we are not dating, but yes we are fucking. I mean yeah the sex is alright, but it's not all that. It honestly could be better.


Hey can we talk?

Ok can we meet in 15

                                                                     Alrighty 👍🏻

I honestly have missed Zara. I missed her smiles, her smell, her ass, her blowjobs, everything. I wanna try and make things right with her but I don't know.

Maybe when we meet up I'll her how I've feeling lately.

A/n: Hiya my patient babies, I know I say this every time, but I've really freaking missed y'all and I really freaking love y'all. Please enjoy this story. I know it's short and I'm sorry about that, but the next one will be longer. Byeeee!!!!😽😽😽

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