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Billie dom
Y/n sub
(Y/n POV)

I dreaded going to school mostly because Billie and the jocks she'd hang around with and of course her "perfect little gf". Billie's gf hated me for some reason and I don't know what for maybe because when Billie bullies me she tends to flirt a little but it's not like touching type flirting it's more like licking her lips, winking, and biting her bottom lip when she bullies me .

I knew I was going to be late to school because my dad is always oversleeping mostly because he drinks like every night and forgets he's my only transportation to school and my mom died of cancer 2 years ago. But today I decide to wear something basic: a white crop top with grey sweatpants and my Nike (white) air forces nothing to big.

"Dad wake up I'm going to be late to school, wake up!" says y/n "ok ok I'm up let me get dressed, go wait in the car" y/n's dad says. As I open the door I got a text from Billie saying

Billie🤬🙄- I hope I see you at school today 😉.

Y/n- Whatever😒.

-20 minutes later-

"You're late ms. y/n's last name" says mr.green your math teacher "I know and I'm sorry, it won't happen again I promise" says y/n "It better not because this is your 5th time. Go take your seat" says mr.green. The worst part about this class is that Billie, Billie's gf (Mia), and the jocks were all in that class.

As I go and take my seat I try not to look at Billie the most because she actually sits right beside me. As I slightly look to the corner of my eye I saw Billie looking at me up and down while licking her lips, I feel disgusted because I'm thinking why is  Billie my bully licking her lips while looking at me up and down. I try not to think about it but it keeps roaming my mind.

It was now lunch time I didn't really have that much friends for the simple fact that Mia (Billie's gf) started a rumor that I had sex with every guy in the school even tho that wasn't true. I don't like eating the schools lunch either because they serve the same thing everyday, so during lunch I sit at a table alone scrolling thru Instagram laughing at memes that I saw. I feel someone grabbing my hair and of course it's Billie the only thing I could see is Billie bunching up my hair in a ponytail and then Mia comes over and pours her whole water on my head getting my shirt and a tadbit of my pants wet, Mia starts laughing at you while Billie is just staring at me.

I got up and walked to the bathroom trying to dry my hair and dry my shirt that only took 45 minutes. I then went back to the cafeteria and literally everyone is looking at me and my damp,wet hair. I grabbed my phone and I feel a tear streaming down my check I didn't want anyone to see that I was crying so I quickly wipe that tear away as I walked out the cafeteria. 

It was the end of school and yes Im are a senior at my high school. I wanted to ride the bus home since my dad is at work, but the thought of riding the bus disgusted me so I decide to walk. My house wasn't far away only like 20 minutes away plus I just needed to be alone after what happend at school today. I start walking home only and notice Billie and Mia following me, I decide to ignore them and keep walking. I had to take a break from my walk because I got tired and yes sure enough Billie and Mia are still following me and I started to get scared a little because I only had 10 more minutes until I was home. Both Billie and Mia stops right beside me and start making out. I got a quick glance to see if they were done and nope they were still kissing but I noticed that Billie was looking at me the whole time.

Do you guys want a part 2??

|Bully|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang