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Third POV: eleven


Days have already pass, Jimin and Yoongi have been spending more time together. They have even been to couple of dates in the afternoon, since Jungkook would take Taehyung to a date too. It was a week before the wedding now, and everyone was busy.


Jimin and Taehyung where walking around the mall Jungkook owns. Since everyone where in a meeting and Yoongi was in the restaurant working on the wedding menu, Jimin and Taehyung were left with a bodyguard to look after for couple hours. Everything was going well, when suddenly a person walk pass Taehyung and tripped him. Tae felt on the floor and hit his knee. Jimin and the bodyguard rush to help Taehyung. Since he couldnt walk, the bodyguard carry Tae all the way to small clinic that Jungkook install in the mall for emergencies. Jimin was about to follow but notice Taehyung bracelets on the floor. As he pick it up, he put it on his pockets then he rush to be with Tae. Not noticing that someone was watching him all this time.


After the nurse check Tae knee, she told them that it just little Bruise nothing else. Taehyung told Jimin not to call Jungkook, since he was ok. So they decided to just go back to their office. But as they got in the elevator, another person got in at the same time. They didnt pay mind to him. The elevator stop at office floor. The door open to an empty floor. But as the bodyguard exit, he suddenly drop to the floor. Jimin and Taehyung look back at the person standing behind them in shock. That person had a knife on his hand.


Per: dont scream or your friend will be next.


Since Jimin was beside of the men, Jimin just shook his head without saying nothing. The men pushed the express button to the lobby, that takes the elevator all the way to the lobby without stopping any floor. All this time a crying Tae was looking at the men holding Jimin by the arms.


Tae: Tae-Tae want K-Kookie.


Per: quiet and stop crying or you would be next.

These is what we going to do, we going to walk out really calmly and exit the mall and get in the car quietly and without any problem. Or I will kill both of you right there.


Jimin and Tae just shook their heads afraid of saying something. As the elevator opens, they walkout but there was a crowd of people waiting for the elevator. As they walk out, people started to push to get in. Jimin took that chance and push Tae back into the crowd leaving just him with the men.


The men seen this, he pull Jimin harder and fast walk out the mall and across the street and into a black car that had other men waiting in the drivers sit. Once the men push Jimin inside the car and got himself too, the car drive off. But not before Jimin seen Taehyung running out the mall Screaming his name as he search around for him. But then his felt something been injected that made him sleepy. The last thing Jimin thought was would he ever get to see his sweet Yoongi again.




SWEET AS SUGAR...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora