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Jimin POV:



It was pass 1am and I couldnt sleep. I keep turning and turning in my bed. So, I decided to get something to drink. Since everyone was at sleep, I walk out of my room in my little cute Pajamas. As I walk through the quiet house, I began to sing one of favorite songs from BTS. I decided to not turn any light on since I knew where everything was. I got out a glass from the cabinet and walk to the refrigerator. As I was getting some cold water, I heard a noise from behind, making me start as the glass slip from my hand. I turn around and Right in from of me was a dark figure. I step back, as I scream. It was to late. Before I remember about the broken glass on the floor, I felt the pain as the glass cut through my bare feet. I couldnt help letting another scream out as drop to the floor. Moments later the kitchen lights were turn on, revealing a surprise Yoongi in front of me.




Yoongi POV:



I just got home from work. I was tired and sleepy, but thirsty. So, I decide to get some water before going to bed. My eyes were barely open, as I walk into the kitchen. I drop my keys on the counter as I was about to get a glass from the cabinet when second later, I hear glass braking. Fallow by a scream. I was surprise to find Jimin in front of me screaming. I didnt know what was happening as I saw him take a step back but then stop. I was in shock as he let another scream, as he drops to the floor. Moment later, the lights were turn on by an angry Jungkook.


JK: whats going on here!


I hear Jungkook say something, but I didnt pay mind to him, as I saw Jimin crying on the floor with a bleeding foot. I lean down and pick a crying Jimin and sat him on the counter. I saw Jungkook walk toward us. Jimin start explaining what happen to Jungkook, as I turn and got my safety kit from one of the cabinets.


JK: Jimin you hurt. It going to be ok. Yoongi get some water to clean first the cuts.


I got a bowl of warm water and put it on the counter beside Jimin. I saw how Jimin was trying not to cry as Jungkook tries to take out all the little pieces of glass from his foot. It hurt me that I was the cost of it.


YG: Im sorry Jimin. It all my fault. I should have been more alert. I didnt mean to start you.


Jim: It wasnt your fault. I should have been more careful. I should have a stronger hold on the glass. I get easily start and always dropping whatever I have on hand. So, dont blame yourself.


JK: I almost finish, but theres one that it bigger. Im sorry Jimin but this one will hurt more since it deeper. Yoongi I need you to hold Jimin so he wouldnt move while Im trying to get it out. I dont want the glass to cause more damage on his foot.

I walk closer to Jimin and lean him close to me. I couldnt help feeling sparkle through my body, as he buries is face on my neck. Moment later I felt his tears running down my neck, while Jungkook pulls out a big piece of glass from his foot. I watch as Jungkook finish cleaning Jimin wounds then covering his foot with some large bandages.


JK: it going to hurt a lot tomorrow. It would be best to not walk for couple days Jimin. I dont want you to cause yourself more injuries. Taehyung will go crazy when he finds out you got hurt.


Jimin lift his head and say: Ok. Thank you Jungkook. Can you not tell my brother? Please.


JK: Im sorry Jimin but I must let him know. But dont worry I explain that it was an accident. Now Im going to give you some pain killer and take you to your room, so you can rest.


I didnt want to let him go yet. So, found I found myself saying: Dont worry, I take care of him. Why dont you go and rest? Before Tae wakes up and panic, because youre not there.


JK: OK. Thanks, Yoongi. Jimin make sure to rest. I check your wounds tomorrow after noon. I think is best for me to work from home tomorrow. Good night Yoongi and Jimin.




Third Person POV:



Yoongi watch as Jungkook left the kitchen. Yoongi then turn and find Jimin staring at him. With out a word, Yoongi picks Jimin bride style. Noticing how lightweight Jimin felt, as he walks out the kitchen. Yoongi couldnt deny that he found Jimin cute dress like that. Yoongi couldnt stop thinking how soft and smooth Jimin legs where, as he walks through the house all the way to Jimin room.


Yoongi walks in into Jimin room and up to his bed and lay Jimin on it and walk out to get some water and pain killer.


Jimin cover his legs with the bedcover, as he watch a quiet Yoongi fuss around him. He couldnt stop his heart from skipping bit or two with joy, as he watches Yoongi bring him a glass of water and some pain killers.


Yoongi saw Jimin drink the medicine then took the empty glass and lay it on the corner table, as he sat on the foot of the bed.


YG: I stay here until you fall asleep. Now sleep.


JM: Thanks. And Im sorry again for the all the mess. Im such a clumsy. Always causing trouble to everyone. I hate it, sometimes I witch I could be different person.


YG: Dont ever say that. I think you perfect the way you are. You just need a person to take care you and Lo.


Yoongi notice that Jimin has fallen asleep. He got up and walk to Jimin and pull the bedcovers to Jimins neck. Yoongi then walks out the room, as he turns the lights off, while closing the door.


YG: Good night my Angle.


Yoongi couldnt help thinking all the things he going to do to take care his sweet little angle this couples days.




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