Chapter 23: An Unforeseen Result

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Once everything was in order, you set off. But you soon find a group of titans chasing you from behind. The wagons couldn't outrun them as they were weighed down by the bodies and the titans started gaining ground. You realized why the Captain cut off the badges as everyone had no choice but to get rid of the bodies to lose weight.

You arrive at Karanese to a toxic reaction from the crowd as they openly criticized the Survey Corps for their failure. It felt like that morning in Shiganshina all over again. But this time you weren't ignorant to judge the Survey Corps the way you did back then.

You head to HQ, where Petra was taken in for treatment. You and Captain Levi stay there as the medics treated her wounds. Once her life was out of danger, the Captain heads out. You instinctively knew where he was going and offer to accompany him as you too felt responsible for their deaths.

You follow Captain Levi to each of his squad members' houses. Eld, Gunther, Oluo; you stood there in agony as the Captain breaks the news to their families. As he hands them the badges he had taken from their bodies to remember them by, you helplessly watch them cry and mourn the loss of their loved ones.

On the way back you say, "I'm sorry Captain... Commander Erwin entrusted me with providing backup, if I had caught up just a bit earlier—"

"You couldn't! Something I always say, the result is a complete mystery." He says and imparts his wisdom, "It doesn't matter whether you're a rookie or a veteran. You can speculate and plan all you want, but in the end you never know what happens till it happens. Don't let hindsight trick you, it's never healthy to blame yourself for an outcome you couldn't predict."

You've always been aware of the limits of your abilities and could distinguish what was within the realm of expectation and what was superficial. But perhaps as a result of all the guilt you were harboring since learning the truth about Annie and the others, you've fallen prey to the unhealthy obsession of trying to shoulder everything.

After talking with Captain Levi and Commander Erwin, you decide to change your way of thinking and lessen the burden you subjected yourself to; realizing that worrying too much about what you couldn't do could conversely come back to cripple what you could.


Later that night,

Commander Erwin held a meeting in the HQ. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and Captain Levi take part in it. The details were kept secret, but Captain Hange fills you in on the general idea.

The Survey Corps was asked to report to Stohess to account for their failure and stand trial regarding the custody of Eren. With nothing to show, it was nearly guaranteed that Eren would be handed over to the Military Police.

Captain Hange explains, "The plan is to capture the Female Titan in Stohess. It'll be our last chance to turn things around."

"B-but how do we even know that the Female Titan is in Stohess?" You ask her while struggling to keep your composure as you were starting to get worried about Annie.

"Armin discovered a possible suspect for who the person inside is. Oh... you might know her! She's from the 104th Cadet Corps just like you. Her name's umm... Annie Leonhardt." As the Captain said that, you feel a cold and bitter sensation in your stomach as you're overcome with fear and anxiety.

"Are you absolutely sure about that captain?" you ask to double check.

"I think so. I don't know the details, but Armin put together the evidence and has a strong feeling that it's her. It's great isn't it? We can finally catch her off guard this time." She says.

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