Better Not Die

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Side Note: I will slowly be adding backstories for your lovely children. For now, I have published Nagao and Masako's backstory. Be warned, they will be violent and filled with traumatic experiences.  

3rd POV 

        Mihawk glared dangerously at (Y/N) as her children protectively stood in front of their Mother with hardened eyes. How dare these fools think they could hurt their precious Mother while they were here? Seeing Mihawk readjusted the sword in hand, Sakura roughly swung her wand down, causing the pink rings around Lucky Roo and Ben to slam them down onto the ground. She then pointed her wand towards Mihawk, releasing a blast of pink energy. In turn, Mihawk swung his blade, releasing his blade of energy towards the blast. 

Before the two could connect, (Y/N) teleported in between the energy blasts and easily blocked the two with her bare hands. Everyone gasped in shock as the blasts vanished, leaving an undamaged Empress. Sakura gasped in shock as she ran to her mother, "Why would you do that? That was very dangerous!" Floyd nodded in agreement as he hugged his mother from behind, "We all know you're extremely powerful, my protective Orca, but you shouldn't get your hands dirty from these losers." Jade appeared next to her as he began cleaning her hand, specifically the one she used to stop Mihawk's blast, with his handkerchief. 

        Visible disgust was in Jade's eyes as he wiped her hand, "Don't touch such disgusting things, Mother. You don't know where that vile man has been." Mihawk merely narrowed his eyes at the blue-haired man for that comment yet made no other movement. (Y/N) smoothly pulled her hand back from Jade as she scolded him, "Don't say such rude things about someone, especially when they're right there." Before Jade could open his mouth, a loud, boisterous voice was heard behind Mihawk and the Red Pirate Crew, "Oh~! You're here, Blazing Empress!" 

        Facing towards the voice, there stood Shanks, with open arms and a large goofy smile etched onto his face. (Y/N) gave him an equally dazzling smile back as she lightly bowed, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person." Shanks lightly scoffed as he walked past his baffled crew and friend, straight towards (Y/N), "This isn't our first time meeting, you silly, scaly, but beautiful beast. Remember, you gave me this memorable scar!" Lifting his shirt, (Y/N) was met with the gruesome sight of a pink and red fleshy scar in the shape of a large hole on his stomach. 

Even if the Dragon incident when she and her children arrived on their world was a month ago, the scar seemed to still pulse angrily in pain and seemed sore to the touch. (Y/N) grimaced while her children merely rose a brow. Sakura leaned forward as she mercilessly poked the scar, earning a yelp from Shanks as he pulled his shirt down, "That's not from Mother. That looks like an attack from one of her guards." Turning around to their airship, Sakura screamed, "Guards!"

        A second later, (Y/N)'s two bodyguards appeared in front of Sakura in their intimidating glory. Shanks glanced up at them as he snapped his fingers in recognition, "That's right! These guys are the ones who ripped my guts out! This one is yours, Empress." Turning around, Shanks lifted his shirt revealing a horrible burn mark that went from his shoulders down to his backbone. Releasing a nervous chuckle, (Y/N) waved him around, "Yes, I remember. I do apologize for that but I did warn you to stay away."

        Shanks merely laughed in good nature as he turned back around, "I know. I'm the idiot that asked for it, but I was really excited to fight an actual Dragon! Who wouldn't? Anyway, I'm glad you accepted my invitation to hang out." Hearing this, Ben screamed at him from behind, "You invited her!? Have you finally gone mad?!" Shanks only laughed in good-heartedness as he turned to his crew, "I knew you guys would've tried to stop me, so I did it when you guys were all drunk at one of our parties." Before he could hear any more disagreements from his crew, Shanks walked towards (Y/N) but was immediately stopped by her bodyguards, who rattled their chains dangerously to him.

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