Let the Festival Begin!

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3rd POV

           Music blasted through Eternal Fire as hundreds, to even thousands of citizens, arrived from various districts to take part in the opening ceremony of the Aurora Blossom Festival. The first grand celebration the Ashtainion Empire will ever direct was about to commence. A buzz was in the air as many loud shouts of excitement were heard around the city. Everything was perfect, from the sun shining high in the sky with no clouds in sight, all the preparations were set, and according to info, there should be no surprise visits. Eternal Fire was beautifully decorated with bright colors and lush vines from one corner to the next, symbolizing the beginning of spring. While the sound of cheering and laughter could be heard all around, only one person was sulking at the joyous occasion.

           (Y/N) sighed heavily as she gazed at the crowded streets through the window of her Empire, envious at the sight of families walking around with large smiles on their faces. At the corner of her eye, she saw Law walking beside her son, Yuudai, speaking and comparing notes to one another. Right behind those two, her daughter, Okazaki, who twirled her umbrella in hand in glee, was practically dragging a stumbling Hawkins behind her. Smiling at the sight, (Y/N) couldn’t help but be proud of those two young boys and her children. Yuudai and Okazaki never wanted to teach, much less be mentors, but they confidently guided those children despite their unusual teachings. Even though their more strict lessons would have made any child cry, Law and Hawkins grew exceptionally well under their tutelage. Seeing such rapid progress it assured (Y/N) that they would grow into fine young men.

           As (Y/N) continued her pity party for being banned from her festival by her son, no less, her door opened, revealing a blank-faced Hora. Hora's usual white dress has been changed to a more appropriate attire for the festival. Now, she was sporting one of Callie’s latest fashion trends this season: a knee-length, pale green dress that stemmed from a sweetheart neckline attached to a ribbon around her neck. Surrounding her waist was a corset, designed as a four-leaf clover, and a long green ribbon was tied in an elegant bow on her back. Finally, the skirt fades into gorgeous vine foliage, with a few loose leaves and butterflies fluttering around the border. Tiding everything up, instead of her small golden halo, her hair was tied into cute pigtails with green flowers and ribbons securing it.

           “Do stop pouting, Mother. It’s not suitable for the Blazing Empress to wear such an expression on a joyous occasion,” Hora stated as she stepped towards her desk, her green heels held by more green ribbons. (Y/N) straightened herself up at hearing those words, smoothing out her equally unique dress crafted by Callie. The top half of her dress was riddled with gold lines, attached to a slim corset, wrapping snuggly around her waist and stopping around her shoulders. Around her waist, the golden corset began to transition into silky white flower petals, overlapping one another into multiple layers, reaching the floor. The gorgeous dress trailed behind her, golden butterflies sticking onto her skirt as vines that shone as bright as stars surrounded them. As (Y/N) walked towards Hora, her crystal heels clicked loudly, and one could see the golden crystal wings of a butterfly at the back of her heels.

           However, the one thing that would enrapture anyone would be the large, scaly wings trailing behind her. While (Y/N)’s Dragon wings would typically capture the admiration of anyone who sees them, the gold vines that decorated their impressive form made them stand out today. Callie focused on the detail of the design for her Mother’s wings, shaping the vines so that when (Y/N) donned them, she would appear to be a glittering butterfly. The vines seem to explode from her back, extending to her wings and lightly gracing the tips, drawing a beautiful canvas.

           Stretching her wings, (Y/N) continued to grumble, “I would be smiling if I could be down there with my subjects and children! Plus, these accessories are making my wings stiff.” As (Y/N) held her wings out, allowing her to massage them, the ruby roses on her ears jingled lightly, the gorgeous golden flower crown shining brightly on her head. Hora remained impassive as she breezed around her Mother, gently scratching behind her wings as she spoke, “It wouldn’t have turned out like this if you just left Whitebeard alone.” (Y/N) turned putty in her daughter’s hand, finding her nimble hands to be most refreshing. “Why do I have to wear this if I can’t even participate in the ceremony?” (Y/N) complained as she brought her wings back to her side.

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