I Forgive Him

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3rd POV

           Michiko sat by her desk, calming classical music filling the air as the pleasant scent of Jasmine tea surrounded her. Picking up her porcelain cup, Michiko took a slight whiff of the tea before gently taking a sip. As the warm tea went down her throat, Michiko released a sigh of relaxation, truly at peace. Suddenly, a large explosion was heard from outside, her tea set rattling at the force. A giant quake threatened to overthrow her cup, but with quick hands, Michiko grabbed it and held it. Usually, when such a thing happens, people should panic or be concerned about what is happening, but not Michiko. With her ever-calming smile, Michiko picked up a small cookie from her table and took a small bite. As she took another sip of her tea, the door to her office slammed open, revealing an angry Nagasawa.

           Michiko ignored his presence, opting to close her eyes, listening to the classical music. As another explosion occurred, Nagasawa stomped toward her record player and pulled the needle off her disk. Hearing her music being abruptly stopped, Michiko glanced at Nagasawa, a cold glint in her eyes, "May I help you?" Glaring back at her, Nagasawa gripped the small table the record player was at as the ground shook again, "Are you serious, right now?! Did you not notice our Mother and Kaido fighting outside your window?!" Seeing Nagasawa grab the table housing her precious record player, Michiko gave him a stern glare, "Do not touch that. That is a fully functional working wooden HMV Gramophone made of teak wood. The Orchestral Twins made me that, knowing my love for the classics."

           Nagasawa stared at her in disbelief, but before he could voice his doubt, another explosion rocked the whole district. Before Nagasawa could hold onto the table again, Michiko flicked her finger, causing him to fall onto the floor. "Don't touch," Michiko said in a condescending tone which greatly irked Nagasawa, who was lying on the rumbling floor now. Crossing his arms, Nagasawa lay there as he spoke, "Aren't you going to do something about this?" With her smile back in place, Michiko rose from her seat, easily walking despite the violent quake, "I will not." Nagasawa sat up in shock, staring as Michiko placed the needle back on the record player, continuing the classical music, "What!? Why not?"

           Walking back to her seat, Michiko took a sip of her tea and relaxed as she listened to her music, "It's my break." A shocked silence enveloped the two. Another loud explosion came from outside, snapping Nagasawa back to reality, "Are you serious!? You'll let Mother fight that dirty Kaido while destroying our district?!" Michiko looked offended by his statement, annoyed that her brother would think so low of her, "Of course not! Elder Brother Asher and I had devised precautionaries if and when Mother went out of control." Nagasawa slowly sat himself up as he asked, "So where are these so-called plans of yours?" Michiko took another bite of her cookies, enjoying the soft taste, "If my info is correct, which it always is, he should be activating the first one right about... now."

           As soon as those words escaped her mouth, Nagasawa heard large mechanical parts beginning to move. Standing up quickly, Nagasawa strides over to her window, opening her blinds. Outside, the two observed as the corners of their district began to move, opening up large tunnels in every corner. As soon as the tunnels fully opened, massive pillars of metal emerged. As the pillars glowed, slowly splitting up and revealing a giant orb inside, Nagasawa gasped as he recognized the machine. Turning towards Michiko, Nagasawa yelled in distress, "Is that the transmogrifier Sister Sama and I have been working on?" Michiko nodded her head as she refilled her cup, "It is. Don't you think this is the perfect opportunity to test it?"

           A large sound wave was being produced as the orbs began to spin, surges of energy piling up in the machines. Nagasawa shook his head in distraught as he pulled out a small remote controller from his pocket, pushing various buttons, "No! The transmogrifier was and still is a work in progress! Sure, Sister Sama and I have managed to ensure that non-organic material can be transferred safely with minimal damage. Still, we have no idea how synthetic material will react to such large pulses of energy." Instead of sharing her brother's anxiety, Michiko spoke with disinterest as she dipped her cookie in her cup of tea, "Then this will be the perfect trial run. If it fails, hopefully, it will disintegrate that buffoon, but if it works, this will tell us that your transmogrifier is complete and can transfer dangerous entities away from the Empire in a blink of an eye."

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