Dating a Chronically Ill S/O (Sam)

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- When you tell Sam about your diagnosis he bombards you with questions

- Not to be rude. He just doesn't understand your condition and wants to learn the best way to help you

- You actually find it cute that someone came to you with their questions instead of just making assumptions

- When you're in a flare Sam makes jokes. He says laughter is the best medicine and you appreciate the thought. His antics take your mind off of the pain even if just for a moment 

- He doesn't understand how you can get poked with so many needles at one time, from bloodwork to various medications

- But you explain to him that it's all you know and you need this treatment to live a somewhat normal life 

- He goes to doctors appointments with you but won't admit that he doesn't understand the doctors big medical terms . You see the look on his face and end up explaining everything to him in the car afterwards 

- Yells at anyone who says you're too young to be sick, or tries to invalidate your illness 

- Overall Sam is supportive. Even if he does get on your nerves sometimes when you're in a bad flare 

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