Girl At Home (Jake Kiszka)

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The music was loud, and drinks were flowing. It was nice to finally have a night off for once. Currently you were on tour with Greta Van Fleet as a crew member. Your job was to help move equipment and set the stage. But tonight, the boys decided to have a party for everyone at their Nashville home.

Most of the night you stood in the corner sipping a beer and listening to the music. Occasionally you'd make small talk with another member of the crew. Everything was going well until you glanced up and saw Jake Kiszka staring at you from across the living room.

"There's no way he's looking at me. He has a girlfriend back home. Everyone knows that." You thought to yourself.

But your suspicion was confirmed when Jake shot you a sly smile and winked in your direction. You didn't return the gesture. Instead, you turned your focus back to your conversation with Sara, another member of the crew.

Eventually Sara bid farewell and made her way into the sea of people. The space across from you was only empty for a moment. You took a sip of your beer and noticed Jake make his way over to you.

"Hey." Jake breathed.

"Hi." You replied firmly.

"I couldn't help but notice you from across the room." Jake purred. "You've been leaning up against this wall all night brooding."

"I'm not brooding." You huff.

"Well, you're certainly not enjoying yourself like everyone else and I thought I could change that." Jake took a sip of his beer and smiled.

"I'm enjoying myself just fine." You protested.

"Oh, come on. A beauty like you can probably let loose and run circles around me." Jake smirked brushing a strand of hair out of your face.

You were going to reply but you were interrupted by Jake's phone ringing. You watched him pull it out of his pocket and examine the lock screen. In the dim light you could see the phone read Jita with a heart next to the name. Immediately you knew it was his girlfriend calling. Without hesitating Jake pushed the decline call button and shoved the phone back in his pocket.

"I'm sorry about that. Now where were we?"

"You were just attempting to flirt poorly." You scoffed.

"Ow that hurt- "Jake trailed off inviting you to introduce yourself.

"Y/N." You told him your name.

"Wow. That's a beautiful name for an equally as beautiful girl."

Jake's phone dinged in his pocket indicating that his girlfriend had left a voicemail. She probably missed him and wanted to tell him she loved him. Yet here he was trying to pick up another girl.

All you could do was roll your eyes at Jake's corny pickup lines and despicable behavior.

"Come on now. Don't play hardball." Jake laughed.

"Playing harball would insinuate that I wanted you in the first place."

Once again Jake's phone dinged. He pulled it from his pocket and looked down at the screen. You were able to see that Jita had texted him after her failed phone call. You knew Jake had a strict schedule of calling Jita after every show. You would often pass him talking to her behind the venue as you hauled equipment to the trailers.

"If you need to take that it's fine. I'll survive without your macho man facade."

"No, it's okay." Jake spoke as he continued to stare at the screen.

"It must be someone important if they keep trying to reach you."

"It's no one." Jake pushed the side button turning his phone off before shoving it back in his pocket. He placed his free hand on the wall next to you, blocking you in.

At this point you weren't even listening to a word Jake was saying. All you were thinking about was Jita. You didn't even know her, but you felt bad for her. She was probably home waiting to hear from Jake. To hear about the show and how lively the crowd was this time. But her boyfriend was too busy trying to pick up other girls then to talk to her. It made you wonder how many times he's done this before.

This whole situation would be okay if you didn't know he had a girlfriend waiting on him. But you did. You're not stupid. He made it pretty obvious at the start of tour that he was in a relationship.

You would go along with his lame attempts at flirting if you hadn't once been Jita yourself. You thought back to your last relationship. You would sit up till well after midnight waiting for your now ex-boyfriend to get home. Only to get a Facebook message one night from a random girl saying he wasn't working late but at the bar trying to pick up other girls. You knew how it felt to put your trust in someone and have it shattered like glass.

"So, what do you say?" Jake's voice snapped you from your thoughts.

"I'm sorry what?" You faltered.

"I said why don't the two of us get out of here. Go somewhere a little more private?" Jake smirked.

"No." You declared.

"No?" Jake looked confused even though you've been turning him down all night.

"No. You have a girlfriend back home and everyone on tour knows it." You announced rather loudly.

"What? No, I don't. I don't know where you got that from." Jake tried to play it off, but you could tell deep down he knew he was caught.

"I just need to make sure you understand perfectly you're the kind of man who makes me sad. While your girlfriend is waiting up for your call, you're chasing down other girls and taking her for granted. She's not always going to be there. Especially once she hears about this."

"What are you going to do? Tell her?" Jake scoffed.

"Yeah, I am. So, I suggest you turn your phone back on and call her. Because as someone who was her once I know how much it hurts to hear that your boyfriend is a dirty cheater from some other woman."

At this point you didn't care that people around you were starting to stare. You were too mad. You couldn't believe that Jake took you for the kind of girl that is stupid enough to be the other woman. If anyone is ruining this relationship it's Jake, not you.

Frustrated you pushed Jake's arm down causing him to stumble a bit. You stormed passed him not so accidentally spilling your drink on him in the process. "Consider this a lesson learned." You whispered to him smugly before making your way out of the party.

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