Phase II

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O'hana entered in the House with Britt and Wes. Avani has been acting off lately, and it hurt O'hana. She knows she's mean and her attitude could be better, but she tries.

"Ok, everyone!" Mr. V exclaimed excitedly. "As you all know, the play will be in a few more days, and I'm super excited."

The crowd hummed in agreement. "Since you guys picked the groups super quick, we can actually start practice. So hurry and go to your groups."

O'hana trotted over to Wes and Britt, who were now engulfing in some girls.

She cleared her throat to get their attention. "Can we go practice now?"

"Hmm," Britt hummed in response, as his lips were now taking over the girl he had. "I'll be there in a minute. Just go to studio A for me. Wes should already be in there."

She rolled her eyes and made her way to Studio A.

She already had on her ballet tutu so she immediately went into stretching.

She felt a chilly breeze hit her back as she was touching her toes. The breeze made the hair on her brown skin raise up.

She got up from her position and slowly looked up to the ceiling. "Wes?" She called.

A grunt was the only response. "Wes?" She called again.

A clatter came from the recording booth of the studio.

She slowly turned around. Her intuition was telling her to not go into there.

She inched closer to the booth. Her shaking hands gripped the cold doorknob. She twisted the doorknob, cluelessly.

O'hana rushed into the booth and saw a book and a few pencils on the floor.

She huffed and rolled her eyes at the two mice in the vents up above the mess.

"Seriously?" She asked them as if they can understand her.

O'hana walked to pick up the mess, silently cussing to herself.

As she turned to exit the studio, she bumped into a towering figure.

The figure had a white porcelain mask on. Inside that mask was two black buds staring down on her. It had on a royal purple cloak, gloves, and combat boots.

His locs fell perfectly over the mask. The ends of his hair was dipped in gray.

A whimper fell from O'hana's lips. That's the only sound she could make.

Cold, rugged breath blew down on her as her body froze before the figure.

"Please," she stuttered. Tears started to form in her eyes. "Don't kill me."

The figure ran a stained blade across her jawline.

"Shhh," It shushed her.

"O'hana!" Britt yelled. "You in here?"

She broke her vision from him. "Help me, Britt!" She cried.

She turned back to the figure, but it seemed to have vanished.

She stood there shocked. "You ok?" Britt asked her.

"You saw him, didn't you?!" She asked hysterically. "Tell me you did?!"

"Saw what?" Britt asked.

"The phantom. He was standing in front of me."

Britt pushed his red- dyed locs out of his face. "Look, O'hana. There's no time for all of that. Be serious."

"You don't believe me?" Her voice cracked. "I saw him."

"What happened?" Wes rushed in the room.

"Did you see him?" She asked them. "He went that way."

"Ok, start over, Hana. From the beginning," Britt said.

"I walked in and started stretching. I felt something cold but I brushed it off and continued stretching. Then I heard something fall in here, so I walked in and saw it was some fucking rats that did it. Then I turned around and saw him," O'hana said in a rush.

"What? You saw the phantom?" Britt said.

"Yes, Britt," she exclaimed. "I know what I saw."

"Where were you, Wes?" Britt asked him.

"I was gettin sum pussy, where were you?" He pointed at him.

"I told her to meet you in here," Britt groaned.

"You were supposed to be in here," O'hana said.

"I told you what I was doing. Stop being so fucking scary all the time," he said getting defensive.

"Bitch I just saw a murderer and you sayin I'm being scary?! He could've killed me," she cried out.

"Yeah whatever," he ignored her.

"Let's just get back to practice. Don't leave our sight, ok?" Britt said.

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