Phase VIII

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{Part 2}

O'hana ran as fast as she could through the halls of the opera house. Britt and Wes followed her angrily.

They felt truly disrespected. After all of the things they did for her? She still managed to fuck up in their eyes.

She slipped into someone's office. She searched around the smelly room and decided to hide in the closet.

She ran for the closet. She opened the closet and two dead bodies fell out. Gawa's body.

"Fuck." She ran behind the desk instead.

"O'hana Orani," Wes dragged. "Come our wherever you are."

"Alright that's enough, Wes. She's probably scared shitless because of us," Britt laughed.

"No!" Wes growled at him. "I'm so tired of her always bitching about something. Her mouth don't match her actions, and I'm gonna end it once and for all."

Britt stared at him confusingly. "Huh? It's not that serious."

"Fuck that. I'm gonna take care of her," Wes said. "O'hana?!"

O'hana trembled at the time of Wes' voice. She mumbled a silent prayer for protection.

"O'hana?" She heard the doorknob rattle. Her body immediately stiffened up.

"Oh god," she shook.

"Come on, Weston. She's probably going crazy," Britt tried.

"No, I have to end her," Wes said.

"End who?" a voice echoed.

The pair slowly turned around to see The Phantom hanging from the vents with one arm. "Hmm?"

Their breathing hitched as they stared at the figure.

"O'hana? No, what did she do?" He asked them.

He revealed himself from the shadows wearing a silk green button up shirt with a black jacket to match with his black slacks and shoes.

Wes and Britt took off to God knows where. They didn't bother to look back to see if The Phantom was behind them.

Now they were quick, but The Phantom was quicker.

He licked the blade of his knife for good luck and threw it directly at Britt. The knife lodged deep into the back of his head.

Wes whimpered at the sight of his partner in crime dead.

"Run," The Phantom mouthed.

Wes sped off. The Phantom soon followed him.

He threw another blade at his thigh, making him fall. Blood pooled out of his leg and his breathing slowed.

"Suck it up," The Phantom said. "You're coming with me."

O'hana stayed wide awake since the sounds of cries and pleading kept her up. Soon the doorknob rattled. She immediately got up and ran to defend herself.

"Stop," The Phantom said. "It's just me."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" She yelled at him.

"That attitude really gon get you fucked up, O'hana. Fix it," he said. He grabbed her by the hand.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked.

"You'll see," he replied and pushed her into the vents.

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