Phase V

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After practice, Wes exited his car. He entered his house to see his mom and brother on the couch talking to detectives.

"What's going on?" Wes asked confusingly.

"Have a seat," his mom said.

"There's no time for that Mrs. Miller. Weston Miller, you are under arrest for the disguise as The Phantom. Anything you say or do will be held against you."

He laughed to himself. She really got him locked up. He trusted her, and she is basically murdering him.

They forced him into the cop car and drove away.

He mumbled bitter things about O'hana under his breath, as if she can feel the anger boiling inside of him.

"Wes, did you do it?" The cop asked him.

"Maybe," Wes smiled devilishly.

The cop sighed. "This gon be a long weekend."

Wes entered the interrogation room with a mean mug on his face. After all of the things he did for her.

'I gave her the best dick in her life,' Wes thought.

"Ok, Weston. I got a couple questions," Romero told him. "Answer with the truth."

"I'll think about it," Wes replied.

Romero looked up from her notes. "Okay first one. Do you have any motives behind this?"

"I didn't do anything, so no intentions were used," he shrugged.

"Ok. I think maybe it's not going to work the way I'm supposed to do it. How about you tell em what you think about this situation," she said.

"I think it has nothing to do with me, honestly," he stated. "I would never kill Avani. She was pregnant with my child."

"Pregnant?" Romero scoffed. "How'd you know?"

"Cause she told me. That's why her and O'hana fought. Cause she was jealous of O'hana," he answered.

"Wait, so the child died along with her?" Romero asked. "And you're unfazed by this?"

"Who said I'm unfazed? Just don't show emotion," he laughed. "But yeah."

"So you think O'hana did it?" Romero asked.

"Honestly, no. The girl is a child basically. She can hardly survive on her own," Wes shook his head.

Romero looked around and took off the microphone that was hooked to her collar. She reached over the table and unhooked Wes' mic also.

"How about we take care of this ourselves?" She smiled.

"Huh?" Wes asked confused.

"If you really look at it, O'hana should be the first suspect. She just got into a fight with her, and she's close to you. She could have staged the 'suicide' to make it look like she actually did," Romero said.

"Nobody would believe it," Wes shrugged. "She's too innocent."

"Yeah but I have the tape of her last interview. I can just manipulate some of the footage, and she will be behind bars," she whispered.

Wes looked at her suspiciously. Why is she trying to help him. "Why you tryna help me?"

"Just cause. Why not? I've got a few years left before retirement, why not go out with a bang," she laughed.

A knock traveled through the door. "Wendy, you'll never believe this. Vincent Jones was found dead."

Wes turned slowly in his seat. He's not the phantom after all.

"Yeah? Get the news station and the coroner down at the Opera House. I'll be there in 10," Romero said.

"You're riding with me, Miller," she said as she uncuffed him from the seat.

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