Phase VII

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{Part 1}

O'hana entered in the Opera House to a gloomy, depressing mood. Everyone is dying, yet they still continued the show.

"Ok guys. As you all know, Mr. Vincent has past away," General Heather stated. She was in the military for years, yet she still has to side jobs like this. "So I will be your instructor from now on. So let's say some things about ourselves."

"Do we have to do that?" Britt asked. "We aren't in middle school anymore."

General Heather sighed. "I guess so. Just do whatever you are supposed to do."

O'hana slowly walked to Britt. Everything seemed so off that she didn't even know if she wanted to continue the play.

"Britt," she mumbled.

"O'hana," he retorted. "How have you been?"

"The same. Where's Wes?" She asked him.

He shifted in his seat. "He got locked up a few weeks ago."

She sighed heavily. "I'm ready to get this over with."

"Me too," O'hana heard Wes say. She inched around to see him happily walked to them.

"You're out?" She asked in shock.

"Yeah. They supposedly caught the killer or whatever, and now I'm free," Wes said.

"We can go back to practice now, right?" Britt asked.

"Yeah, in studio A, let's go," Wes said. "Piggyback ride?"

"Nah I'm good. I'll meet you guys up there," O'hana told him nervously.

"Come on! It'll be quick," Wes confronted. "Trust me."

She shuffled and got onto his back. All three of them walked to studio A to practice for the play. No one in the House knew if they would ever be the same, or as they planned it from the beginning.

The bubbly house was replaced with an uncomfortable eerie feeling that sat in the air. No one knew who would fall victim to The Phantom.

As they entered Studio A, Britt locked the door behind them. O'hana looked at him confusingly.

"What are you doing?" She asked Britt. He glanced at Wes for a spilt second. And a sly smile grew onto both of their faces.

"No reason," he said. "Just cause the other groups may try to copy our shit."

O'hana nodded in response. She started to stretch like normal when Wes sighed, catching her attention.

"You alright?" O'hana asked him.

"Hmm? Yeah I'm alright," he said. "Just so tired."

"Yeah, me too. It's been a long month," she said.

"I'm so tired of you, honestly," he answered while nodding at her. "You are one hell of a burden."

"What?" She asked. "Why are you starting with me? I'm haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah, that's your fault, O'hana. If you would just mind your fucking business sometimes, you'll realize that it's never that serious," Britt answered for him.

"Oh come on. It's not like I actively said that you're the killer. I never said that," she scoffed.

"You didn't have to," Wes said while sharpening a knife. "I already knew."

"Knew what?" She asked them.

"That you snitched on me, obviously," Wes said. "You've acted like this since 3rd grade. Always tried playing the good guy."

"You failed at it a bunch of times," Britt snickered.

"Yeah," O'hana laughed nervously. She felt an uncomfortable energy between the three, but she just played it off as jokes.

"You always ran to us whenever there was a problem," Wes spoke bitterly.

"Always, I guess," O'hana said. She had a feeling she knew where this was going.

"And after all of that, you still managed to snake us," Britt laughed.

O'hana took that as a warning and took off through the door.

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