Phase IV

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O'hana entered the Opera House to see people gathered around in one spot.

Sniffs and sobs came from the crowd, making her march closer to them.

She squeezed through the crowd, and stopped in her tracks.

Avani hung from the chandelier. Her body swung lifelessly from it.

The coroner pushed through the crowd and a ladder was pulled up to help Avani's body down.

"O'hana Orani?" A detective called to her.

She sighed, already knowing the questions that she will be answering.

She entered in the detective's office.

"Okay, Ms. Orani. I'll ask you a series of questions. Answer truthfully, ok?" Detective Romero told her.

O'hana nodded in response. "Ok, question one: how long have you known Avani?"

"Since we were three," I stated truthfully.

"Ok. Was there any bad blood between you guys?"

"A little. We actually fought a few days ago, but we settled that down and continued on."

"Ok. Does anybody else know about your quarrel with her?"

"Wes," I answered.

'You that tired huh?' Wes asked O'hana.

'Yeah. Can I tell you about my day?' O'hana asked him.

'Of course.'

'Well me and Avani kind of got into an argument today. And we fought," Ohana started.

'You beat her ass, right?' He asked, making her look away in embarrassment.

'Come on, O'hana. Did you at least get a hit in?' He asked while slightly scrunching his eyebrows.

'No, Wes. No," She said.

'How did it happen?' He asked her.

'She mentioned my parents, which is a sensitive topic for me,' she answered him.

'That bitch. I'll take care of it for you.'

"So basically, you are saying Wes did it?" Detective Romero asked me.

"What? No, I'm not saying that," I defended Wes and I. "That's just what happened."

"Ok, we'll talk to you later about this, ok? Get some rest you look a mess," she stated.

Wes took O'hana to a park to clear both of their minds. She sipped on her cherry slushie while staring at the children on the swings.

"You want children someday, O'hana? Cause I do," Wes laughed to himself.

"Kind of. They're pricey," she joked.

"Yeah I agree," he said. "Tell me what happened today in the police station."

O'hana choked on her slushee, completely forgetting about it. "Oh yeah, I just told her the truth."

"What is the truth, O'hana?" Wes asked with a stern voice.

"That I had nothing to do with Avani's death," she said replying with the same energy.

He scoffed. "What else? Did you tell em I had something to do with it?"

"I told them that you were the only person who I told about the situation, and you seemed angry. That's it," O'hana defended herself.

Wes usual light complexion now covered in red. His soft expression now contorted in a mean mug.

"My god. You know what you've done? I could be going to jail just cause you can't shut up!" He yelled.

"You didn't even do anything? Why are you so angry?" She asked him calmly.

"Fuck you. Hell up out of my car," he said.

With obvious defeat resting in her aura, she decided to leave his car. She had enough of arguing today.

Since the park wasn't as far from her apartment, she walked the rest of the way there.

She entered in her apartment.

She happily took off her outfit and laid in her bed.

She felt something scratch her left leg. It was pointy.

On her bed lie a bouquet of roses, covered in blood.

'Took care of it for you, my love:)'

O'hana sighed. Even though the events that are happening is killing her, she oddly finds comfort in this.

She laid the flowers by her bedside and dozed off to sleep.

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