XXX - Touch Up Our Lip Gloss And Summon The Demons Of Hell

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9 days before the job


I put a cup of coffee in front of Monique, "Come on now, we don't have much time, chop chop."

Monique grumbles about something and gets back to solder two pieces of shiny looking metal together.

I grab an apple from the tray next to Monqiue and toss it to Yuxian who is sitting on the opposite side of the room, and he catches it without even looking up, while typing on the PC with his other hand.

Bloody show off.

I take the tray to the pantry-turned-clothing-studio and give Ariadne a cup of coffee. She is standing on front of a beautiful purple gown with flower embroidery, most likely for Alby. Next to that, ironed and steamed is a guard outfit, the standard of the Munir hotel. In Dharuna's measurements.


She takes the coffee and goes back to ignoring my existence. As usual.

Minji walks up to me and snatches a cup of hot chocolate from the tray and walks right over to where Pandora is sitting, carefully painting on the x-ray diverting invisibility box for the ring.

I, in turn, walk to the speakers and change the song to something more energetic.

"FUCK IT ARE YOU LISTENING... NOOOOOO!" Rey sings along to Linkin Park as she makes more coffee on the pot.

Dharuna laughs while sealing the bag of beans Rey had just opened up.

"YOU GOTTA GET OUT OF SIGHT, YOU PUSH IT BACK DOWN!" Yuri vibes along, with one leather glove on, and one off. Her dark hair move around the place as she pretends she is performing in front of an audience.

"Yuri your head will come off if you don't stop," Kai mutters, sitting on top of the kitchen cabinets like Spiderman, eating a baguette this time.

Seriously, there are so many spaces to sit in this house, why is she sitting up there?

"Guys, the scanner data is fully downloaded," Blaise calls out from where she is sitting between the twins.

Monique, Minji and I rush over to her immediately. Blaise has a sly smirk on her face.

She points to the blueprints, "The whole place is crawling with secret rooms."

I squint to see rooms directly underneath some of the corridors. And some weird shit is in those rooms. Eugh.

"These people are weird," Jian comments.

"You're one to talk," Blaise counters him then turns back to the screen, "The problem here is-"

"These trapdoors need to be unlocked with keys," Monique stares at the blueprints, "And if the rooms are so well hidden, then so will the keys be."

"Keys are the fucking worst," Kai scoffs, still doing the Spiderman cosplay, "Always made to waste your time."

"We'll have to unlock the doors beforehand," Minji scans the blueprints.

"How do we get the fucking keys first?" Rey asks from the kitchen.

Dharuna laughs, "When in doubt... "

Monique raises her hand, "Break into the security room?"

I smile at the two of them, then face the others, "Kai, Alby, suit up. And maybe Rey as well."

I turn to see Yuxian and Jian paying close attention to the blueprints as well, and suddenly Yuxian perks up, "We can try infiltrating from the security room if we buy time."

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