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The classes hadn't started yet, so everyone in the classes where either talking or scrolling in social medias. Including Hueningkai & Yeonjun.

Ughhh hyung I'm bored!

Noooo don't squish me again!

Yeonjun said in a high-pitched voice when he felt Hueningkai hug him & shake him.

I told you not to squish me!

Yeonjun said in a cute-angry voice while pouting. Hey, he can't control it. He voice was always cute. Be it angry, scared or happy. His eyebrows were furrowed too. But that didn't change the fact he looked cute. 

But you're just so cute hyung! 

He said squishing his cheeks. His cheeks turned red from the feeling of getting squished. 

You look so cute today hyung!

No I don't!

Yeonjun said flushed red. He was wearing baby blue beret & a short dungaree. His mother advised him to wear it. Because it complimented his slim figure & milky skin. 

Hey Hyuka...


Can you not leave me alone today?... Since uhm y'know...

Don't worry hyung. I will not leave you alone! I'm gonna stick to your side the whole time! 

Yeonjun smiled then turned to look at the teacher, but couldn't recognise her. Everyone looked at the new teacher. She was absolutely stunning. She had black wavy hair that reached her elbows. She was tall too. Her eyes were sparkling glaucous. She was a girl anyone would fall for.

Wow! She's so pretty.

I wonder if Binnie would've fallen for her.

Yeonjun mumbled to himself as he fiddled with his fingers. His face turning into a sad one.

Good morning everyone! 

Everyone looked at the new teacher. 

I am Kim Jennie. I am going to be taking your mathematics class from today. Since today's my first day & you all probably never heard of me, today's going to be an orientation class. Meaning, you can ask me any kind of question.


Everyone looked at the girl who raised her hand to ask a question.


How old are you?


Are you single?

A boy suddenly asked.

No. I'm married.

People were really surprised. She was way older than they expected her to be. She looked like she was the type to roast anyone if they asked her out. But her personality was beautiful. But she looked oddly familiar. As if she was related to someone he knows. But he couldn't put his finger on it.

After everyone was done asking questions, she ended the class & everyone went for recess. But suddenly, everyone's phone buzzed. So they checked their phone, and they were surprised. Yeonjun & Hueningkai were horrified. Yeonjun was almost crying. 

But some perverts & the rapist himself were laughing. Some even saved the video to their camera roll. 

A girl came to Yeonjun with a smirk on her face.

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