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Please noona? I want you to be my eomma! You're so nice. You're also cutie! I want to have you as my eomma! Appa wants you to be my eomma too!

Yeonjun was blushing really red now & glaring at Soobin. Soobin just raised his hands in the sky.

Bubba I'll talk to you about it a few days later okay?

Ohhhh otay!

Then Ara went to her own bedroom with Beomgyu & Taehyun. After she left, Yeonjun bumped Soobin on his head with his hand.


Hey! What did I do?!

Don't act like I don't know! You're the one who told her to ask me to be her mother!

I-I didn't.. I just asked her if she'd like you as her mother, she said yes. She came to you & said that out of her own will. Please Yeonjun. For the sake of my daughter, would you marry me?

I just met you the day before yesterday.

Please? I'll give you a few days to think about it.

Fine. I'll think about it.

Would you like to stay the night here?



But I don't have any clothes.

You can wear mine.

Yeonjun blushed at that. Soobin just smiles at that. 

Can I touch you?

Uh sure?

Soobin smiles again & hugs him by his waist. Yeonjun also smiles & hugs him back.

Don't ever cheat on me, Choi.

I won't baby. You're too beautiful for me to look somewhere else. Your mesmerising eyes, your silky hair, your soft skin, your cute nose, your pretty little hands. I love every mini detail of your body. Yeonjun, I promise to make you the happiest man alive. I'll ask you again, would you give me a chance?

Yeonjun was flabbergasted. He felt tears in his eyes but then brushed them off. He nodded & smiled.

I'm sorry for making you so sad Binnie.

Soobin suddenly picked him up & placed him on his lap. He nudged his nose & Yeonjun's together & chuckled.

You can never make me sad Yeonjun. But, you forgave me so easily?

I can never stay mad at you for too long Soobin. Everytime I get angry at you, I just wanna go to you & cry it all out even if it's you who caused it. I wanna stay mad at you Binnie but fuck! You just have that big of an effect on me that I can't resist you.

Soobin looked at him surprised but then smirked. He snaked his arms from his thighs to his waist. Yeonjun knew where this was going so he cupped Soobin's face in his hands. They slowly brought their faces closer. Their lips brushed against each other. They were ready to taste every bit of each other's body.

Soobin Ara fell asle- WHAT THE FUCK!

Beomgyu immediately ran away leaving a flustered couple on the sofa. They immediately pulled off of each other. 

There was an awkward silence between Soobin & Yeonjun as they waited for the other couple to come back. 

You two seriously need to control yourselves. What if Ara sees this horrific scene fold in front of her?! She'll be traumatised!

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